“Shh,” Jamie whispered, his thumb wiping a tear from her face.

She shook her head, but more tears came.

“Don’t cry, sweetie.”

“I’m sorry,” she murmured, but when he tried to pull her gently against him, she refused to let him comfort her. Comfort wasn’t what she needed. Instead she surged up to kiss him, rolling her hips into him.

He thrust and kissed her back, so she rolled her hips again, sucking at his tongue until he moaned and stroked deep into her mouth at the same time he thrust deep into her sex.

For a while it was slow and good and hot as he primed her body, easing her toward a climax, but that desperation was back, clawing through her. Olivia put her hands to the table and eased back until she was flat against the cold wood. “Fuck me,” she ordered, bending her knees to slide them higher up his body.

He looped his hands behind her legs and pulled them even higher. This time when he thrust, she cried out at the strength of it. She was totally open to him, totally vulnerable, and he slid deeper than ever with every thrust.

Olivia spread her arms and curved her fingers over the table edges, holding tight as he began to pound into her. She’d wanted this. Wanted him to take her just like this on a table, as if she’d been served up for his pleasure.

His hands tightened their grip and eased her legs wider. He was a glorious work of art as he worked himself inside her, his muscles flexing beneath his skin like an animal’s. Olivia couldn’t look away. Instead she watched him as she forced one hand to let go of its death grip on the table. She slid that hand down her body, and stroked her fingers over her clit.

“Yes,” he snarled. “I want to see you come.”

Oh, he would. Her body was already humming. Her nerves already pulling tighter around her clit as she rubbed it. She wanted to come for him. Wanted him to see what he did to her.

His teeth bared in a snarl, Jamie let go of any restraint. His thrusts became brutal as he watched her touch herself.

“Oh, God,” she whispered as her body seemed to draw itself in. She felt nothing but his relentless invasion and her circling fingers. She was nothing but this in that moment. Nothing but an animal act. “God,” she prayed. “Jamie.”

Her body seemed to shiver and float up for a split second, and then it crashed hard back into her. She threw her head back and screamed, and Jamie growled his pleasure like an animal as her hips bucked against him.

Her body was numb by his last thrust. She couldn’t even open her eyes as the last tremor shook through his body. She’d wanted to watch him, but she couldn’t summon the will to be sorry.

Her skin was slick against the table. Jamie’s hands eased their hold on her legs. But she couldn’t open her eyes.

“Come ’ere,” he muttered, bending down to ease one arm behind her back. When he lifted her, she managed a frown of displeasure and tightened her legs around him, so he wouldn’t slip free of her body. She wasn’t ready for that. But when he collapsed onto the couch, he was still deep inside her. Olivia snuggled close with a happy sigh.

“I don’t want this to just be fun,” Jamie said, his breath sliding over her shoulder. “I want it to be everything.”

The last horrible remnants of that desperation stirred inside her. It dug its claws into her throat and pulled itself higher. She let it free on a sob. Her tears fell down her cheeks and slid over his skin. “I’m so sorry,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry for what I said to you.”

“Shh. It doesn’t matter. And you were right. I did need to grow up.”

She shook her head. “So did I.”

“I think I’m in love with you, Olivia.”

Her eyes popped open. She must have tensed, because she felt him chuckle. “I know it’s harder for you. There’s the div

orce, and… I don’t expect you to return the feeling. Yet. But I’ve never said it before, and I wanted to say it to you. Now you can tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

She leaned back and framed his face in her hands. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Screw you.”

Her gaze slipped down to their laps.


“Jamie…” She tried hard to think what to say. How to dissuade him or herself or—

“Hush,” he ordered. So she closed her mouth and just looked at him. His gaze slipped to a place past her shoulder. “What’s this?”