She jumped when he stood abruptly and threw his napkin to the table. “Forget the food—”

The dining room door swung open, and he froze like a wild dog interrupted during its feeding. Kate thought he might growl at the poor footman, but he only gritted his teeth and sat with a ferocious frown.

The linen of the napkin hid her smile when he turned the frown on her.

“Is something funny?”

She shook her head.

“I think I shall repay you for your distinct lack of sympathy later.”

When she raised her eyebrows in mock alarm and received a remarkably wolfish grin in response, her amusement faded to a curious wonder at what he planned. She couldn’t wait to see. It was obviously something worthy of anticipation.

The meal was a series of pleasant tastes in her mouth, but Aidan’s hot eyes followed her every move, distracting her from the meal, just as he intended to, she supposed. He waved the footman over and gave some quiet instruction that Kate could not hear, then he turned that wolf smile back on her.

“I’ve asked for dessert to be served in your private sitting room. Later.” He looked pleased with her “Oh” of surprise and stood, snatching a bottle of champagne from its stand. “Shall we?”

She’d enjoyed teasing him, had gloried in his tortured looks of want, but now that the time was at hand, nervousness prickled her neck. He stood, waiting behind her chair, and she fancied she could feel the tension coiled in his muscles.

“Weren’t you going to give me a tour of your home?”

He choked on a laugh as he pulled her chair out. “I suppose I could, if you’re really interested.”

“I am!” she answered too loudly.

She jumped when she turned to find him directly in her path. He chuckled, the sound tickling her skin when he leaned in to nuzzle her throat.

“Are you sure?” His mouth paid delicious attention to the little spot just behind her ear.

“Yes.” He nibbled gently. “No.”

“Don’t be scared, Kate. I won’t bite.”

A shiver set her knees trembling. She’d never even considered he would bite, not until he’d mentioned it with such wicked denial, practically a promise that he would.

“I’m not scared,” she protested breathlessly, wondering if it was the truth or a lie as he took her hand, looking for something in her eyes before he nodded.

Squeezing his hand with all her strength, she nodded back and followed him out of the room and up the stairs to the promise that waited above.

But she was done with waiting. It seemed she’d spent half her life waiting, so as soon as they entered her chambers, Kate shut the door and turned on her prey.

“Take off your coat,” she said past a smile.

His eyebrows rose.

When he didn’t move, she reached for him, sliding her hands up his chest to push the coat from his shoulders. Aidan let it slide down his arms and fall to the floor.


“I never get to touch you,” she said.

“That’s not true.” His smile went shy again, and even though her fingers trembled, that wry quirk of his lips gave her the courage to reach for the buttons of his waistcoat.

“Not the way you’ve touched me.”

“Kate . . .” he said again, hands rising as if he’d stop her. “You don’t have to—”

“Hush. I don’t want to talk. I only want to touch you. Will you let me?”