“She was sent by her father to marry him, but they’re living separate lives now. He’s still in India.”

Jude frowned into the fire.

“I’m sorry,” Aidan murmured. “I know it’s hopelessly hypocritical, after I accused you of having no honor, of not being a gentleman. . . . Now I’m here telling you I’m in love with another man’s wife. But I thought she was dead. And now I have her back. . . . Do you think you can understand that?”

“Jesus, of course I can. Save your apologies. If I found Marissa after ten years’ separation, do you think I’d let anything keep me from her?”

Aidan swallowed hard and wished desperately that he’d brought the decanter over. He needed a drink to wash the bitter need from his mouth.

“And I know better than most how unfair society can be.”

“Yes,” Aidan said. They’d had a shouted version of this discussion in this very library. Jude had pointed out that despite Aidan’s high birth, he’d often behaved as the basest of men. The truth had stung like fire.

“What’s her basis for petitioning for divorce?” Jude asked.

“Ah, well. We’re still discussing that. They’ve never had children. They no longer live as man and wife.”

“Abandonment? Even so, Aidan . . . It’s nearly an impossibility.”

“But divorces are granted . . .”

“Not to women!”

“Yes,” Aidan answered, his throat tight. “I know. That’s why I would dare to ask for your father’s help. I shouldn’t wish to ruin her name, or my family’s. But with the backing of a duke . . .”

“I’ll ask him,” Jude said easily. “If that’s what you want. There is every chance he’ll say no, but I happen to know he has a tender heart.”

“I think perhaps he passed that on to you.”

Jude smiled. “I know how long you’ve loved her.”

Aidan rubbed his thumb over the hard, cool surface of the glass. The fire danced over the crystal as if it were trapped inside the angles. “I failed her. In many ways. I don’t mean to do so again. I must find a way to fix this.”

“So you are giving up your visits to my mother’s salon?”

Aidan couldn’t help but laugh. “I may stop in to pay my respects to your lovely mother, but no more ulterior motives.”

“Marie will be disappointed.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand, if she notices at all.”

Jude sighed and slapped one of his large hands against Aidan’s knee. Aidan pretended not to wince at the blow.

“I’ll speak to my father when you’re ready.”

“I’ll call on him myself if he’s willing to consider my plea.”

“He’ll hear you out. Don’t worry, my friend. The world won’t conspire to keep you apart any longer, surely.”

Aidan wanted desperately to believe that himself, but it felt as though something dark and awful loomed on the horizon. As if he needed to move as quickly as possible to stay ahead of it, or Kate would be swallowed up again, disappearing from his life completely. But Aidan told himself it was only memory and worry, and he smiled at Jude and slapped the man’s knee as hard as he could. Jude didn’t even flinch.

Chapter 22

“You need a new dress!”

When the lilting voice exploded through the shop, Kate nearly dr

opped the canvas sack she’d been filling with beans. “Lucy!” she yelped as she clutched the end of the bag tightly enough that the fibers dug into her skin. “My God!”