So when he felt her leg tighten around his, Aidan pushed inside her. Just an inch. Just enough to feel her flesh squeeze him and her sigh whisper over his cheek.

“We don’t have to go so fast, love.”

“Yes, we do,” she insisted, so he pushed higher.

“Ah!” she cried. “Yes.”

Yes. Of course, yes. She was right. There was no point in waiting. All they wanted was this. She tilted her hips on his next thrust, and then he was deep within her.

Aidan spread his fingers over her jaw, and she turned her head to catch his thumb between her teeth.

Her body was so hot around him, against him, her tongue like fire on his skin. It was so much pleasure that it hurt, and as he took her in slow, careful thrusts, Aidan realized he’d never done this. He’d never faced a woman like this as they made love. Never watched every flutter of her lashes. Never watched her mouth form each sigh against his skin.

And so here was another first

with Kate. He hadn’t meant for them to lose their innocence that day. He hadn’t planned it. But their kisses had turned to touching, and she’d sighed so sweetly when he stroked her thigh. And then he’d touched the core of her body, and my God . . . The hot slickness of her. The slippery feel. There, he’d thought madly. That is where my body goes. Into that impossible heat and pleasure.

He’d heard talk, of course, but who could’ve imagined the utter perfection of it? Not him. Not in a million years.

But here was this perfect place again, inside Kate. He thrust harder, and watched her lips part on a moan.

Curving his body farther away from hers, he dragged his hand down her neck to her chest, lingering over her breasts to caress them until she moaned again. It was too much: watching and feeling and hearing and tasting. He would not last. He’d leave her wanting. That he couldn’t bear, so Aidan gritted his teeth and dragged his hand lower, until he could just press his thumb to that pearl of nerves at the top of her sex.

Her sex tightened, and they both hissed with pleasure. He wanted to feel her climax around his cock. Wanted her to spasm and shake as he had her.

“Aidan,” she whimpered, her fingers reaching for his shoulder to put her nails to his flesh. He needed to close his eyes if he was going to last, but he couldn’t look away from her. The skin around her eyes tightened, she bit her lip. Aidan rolled his hips and she keened.

Now, he prayed silently. Now. Please now, for me.

He flicked his thumb faster, and she finally broke. Her tight face softened into wonder, she drew in an impossibly long breath, and then she sobbed. Her sex rippled around his shaft, and Aidan wanted to sob himself, but he was busy gritting his teeth and holding on. Just another moment, just one more second to watch pleasure soften her face to the innocence of that girl she’d been.

Then he finally slid his body free of her, and his own climax jerked through him with bittersweet pleasure. Bittersweet, because he wanted back inside her.

Kate slipped her arms around his ribs and squeezed him closer. He felt the slide of his seed against her skin.

“Aidan.” Her voice was thick with tears. “That is all I ever wanted.”

But his throat was too tight to tell her the same.

She’d risen to wash her body and Aidan’s as well. Then she’d damped the fire in the stove and dimmed the lamp until the light barely skimmed their bodies. Now she was back in Aidan’s arms, pressed tight against him in her small bed. It should’ve felt strange, tucked in so close to another person, but instead it felt lovely and right.

“I leave tomorrow,” he said. “I’m sorry. I’ve postponed as long as I can.”

“Don’t apologize. I’m so happy right now.”

Aidan’s smile turned time back ten years; he looked so sweet and young. Kate smiled back.

“Will you come with me?” he asked.

“You know I can’t.”

He settled his head deeper into the pillow. “I received a letter from my brother today.”


“My sister is returning from her wedding trip, and my cousin’s ready to announce his betrothal. There will be a grand party, of course.”

“Of course,” she laughed.