“Ah,” she sighed just before he tumbled her over. His hands tangled in her hair, holding her tight as he notched his cock between her legs.

He thrust hard. The thickness of his shaft made her gasp as he forced himself deep within her. It was violent and desperate, this need. And she knew in that moment that no matter what else happened, this was good and right and what she’d always wanted.

Chapter 24

The morning light hadn’t yet penetrated Kate’s bedroom, but Aidan could just make out her still-sleeping form through the open doorway. The sight brought a smile to his mouth. That kind of exhaustion was enough to flatter any man. Then again, she’d done most of the work—she had a right to be tired.

He stepped carefully in, setting the tray on the table and wondering whether to wake her. The sweet rolls his chef had baked were still warm and he imagined she’d appreciate that, so he crossed to the bed and sat on the edge, meaning to kiss her awake. The beauty of her flushed cheeks and naked shoulders distracted him from his mission and he just sat for long minutes, taking her in.

He’d awakened with a stiff back, a numb arm, and skin slick with sweat where she lay pressed against him. His muscles had ached from the physical struggle to restrain himself during their lovemaking. But, more than anything, he’d felt good. So much better than his other experiences, so much more. To leave a woman’s bed with a sense of completion instead of diminishment. It seemed a different act altogether.

He’d left her that morning with a gentle kiss to her sleepy mouth and returned with breakfast just to ensure she’d have no regrets. Food always seemed to smooth the way with Kate.

Unable to resist the pretty picture she presented, he trailed a finger over the graceful curve of her shoulder. Her skin was sweet and soft. He’d had little opportunity to touch her the night before and now fierce hunger rose in him. He tamped it down and settled for rubbing a thick strand of her chestnut hair between his fingers instead of pulling the sheet from her body and covering it with his own.

Lifting her hair to his mouth, he captured just a hint of her scent—flowers and spice—then he rubbed his thumb over the berry redness of her lips, tickling her until her eyelids fluttered.

Those eyes met his, soft and unfocused. A smile started to curve her mouth, then her eyes widened and he watched them clear as she glanced around.

“Good morning, love.”

A pink blush stained her cheeks.

“I’ve brought coffee and sweet rolls.”

She blinked again and her eyes slid to the dresser where the tray sat. Pulling the sheet up higher, she inadvertently drew Aidan’s eyes back to her bare skin.

“Shall I bring the tray?” he murmured, admitting defeat and leaning toward one creamy white shoulder.

Kate drew in a quick breath when his lips brushed over her skin. She smelled wonderful, warm and toasty, a much tastier breakfast than the one he’d brought. A shiver vibrated through her shoulder and into his mouth as he tasted her with his tongue, sucking to draw her skin between his teeth.

“You taste lovely in the morning,” he said against her shoulder, tugging the sheets down in small increments. They were torn from his fingers when she frantically yanked back.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m kissing my way down to your breasts. Once there, I plan on licking your nipples.”


Her horrified gasp made him sigh. “All right, then. I’ll just bring the tray, shall I?”

She looked pained when he set it down across her lap. “I’m sorry. I’m really not very good at this.”

“At what?”

“This kind of thing.”

“Eating breakfast?” His words were flat with innocence.

“No! I mean . . . this . . . affair.”

She looked adorable and very young all of a sudden with her tangled hair and downcast eyes. Despite her dishabille, he’d never seen her look so demure, not even as a seventeen-year-old virgin. Love, tenderness, and lust vied for domination in his heart; he wasn’t sure which motivated him to pick up one of her hands and press it to his mouth.

“Do you think I expect you to behave like a courtesan? To lounge about naked, awaiting my arrival?” He smiled at her when she glanced up.

“Of course not. It’s just . . . It seems a bit more awkward in the morning. It’s so bright in here.”

Aidan tried hard not to grin—the curtains were drawn; it was only a little brighter than it had been the night before.