Page 39 of Crazy for Love

The bed was only a foot behind her, so when he guided her back, Chloe collapsed willingly. Her back had barely touched the mattress when Max pushed her skirt up to expose her completely. Looking at her, he murmured something too low to hear, but Chloe had no time to puzzle it out, because his mouth was on her then. No time to prepare or anticipate. His tongue licked and his thumbs feathered over the sensitive flesh that she’d bared for the sake of her bikini line.

“Max,” she whispered. “Oh, Jesus.”

Thomas had done this, of course. Who would marry a man who didn’t? But he’d never been nearly so thorough.

Max slid his tongue slowly over her, as if listening for every moan or a hitch in her breath. He flicked over her clit, chuckling when she jerked against him, then sucked at the soft skin that framed her sex before circling back to the spot that made her cry out.

“Max,” she gasped. “Please.”

“Foreplay, Chloe,” he whispered. “Remember?”

“I changed my mind!”

“Too late.” His tongue traced her again, delving inside for a moment, teasing her, not going nearly as deep as she needed.

“No, please. Just… You’ve been celibate and I need… Next time. Next time we’ll do foreplay.”

“Uh-uh.” The sound vibrated into her, making her whimper. His tongue flicked against her clit, just enough pressure to torture and not enough to make her come.

“Ohgod-ohgod-ohgod,” she chanted, arching her back, trying to open herself wider to him. Her hands clutched the bedspread. They should be clutching his hair, forcing him, but she couldn’t relax her muscles enough to let go of the blanket.

Finally, in a small act of mercy, Max pressed a finger slowly inside her, his tongue still torturing her with small, firm licks. But the pressure of his finger was heaven on top of hell, and she moaned his name in relief.

He thrust into her once, twice, and she pushed up to meet him in a desperate attempt to get him deeper.

“Okay,” he breathed. “You win. I can’t wait.”

He deserted her completely, and for a moment, she was lost. Sinking into deep, lonely water, close to weeping with the loss. But she heard the rustle of clothing and a faint rip of a plastic wrapper, and then his strong hands were bracing her hips and inching her farther off the end of the bed…

She curled her fists so tightly that they ached. Lights danced behind her clenched eyelids. And then the head of his cock slid against her sex until it caught snugly just inside her.

“Yes,” she prayed aloud.

He pushed slowly, opening her with steady pressure. Chloe tried to breathe and couldn’t. Breathing would distract her from the feeling of his wide shaft filling her up.

She didn’t need to look to know that he was bigger than Thomas. Her sex squeezed against the welcome invasion.

“Christ,” he breathed as his hips settled against her thighs. His fingers spread wide against her stomach as if to hold her steady.

Chloe finally drew a breath, and she opened her eyes.

He looked beautiful above her, face tight with concentration as he stared down at their joined bodies. His shoulders were impossibly wide, his arms corded with tense muscles. Then he raised his gaze to her face, and Chloe gasped. Heat lit his brown eyes so they glinted like copper. He looked wild and tender all at once.

Eyes still locked on hers, Max slid out and thrust hard into her. Oh, boy, he was definitely bigger than Thomas. For a moment, she had to fight the panicked urge to push her toes into the carpet and back away. But then his thumb slid down to brush her clit and the next thrust pushed a pleased cry from her throat.

He wasn’t too big at all. He was just perfect, and when Chloe arched up to meet him, Max whispered curses under his breath and took her faster. He slid more easily now, as her body finally adjusted to his width, and she could tilt her hips into every thrust, every deep slide of his cock.

She closed her eyes against the brightness of the room, so that all the light gathered into heat inside her. Heat that tightened and circled around every small rub of his thumb.

Oh, God, that was good. So good. And his body was so…inside her. More solid than any other part of her, the force coalescing every sensation in her body into that tight center.

Toes pressed hard to the floor, Chloe rose up against his next thrust, and everything inside her squeezed tight around him until the tension set her free. She threw her head back and cried out her shocked pleasure. He grabbed her hips to hold her close against him as the climax shook through her. Long after she’d stopped jerking against him, his fingers clutched her hips in a hard grip.

Chloe forced her unwilling eyes open to look at him. His gaze was locked on her face, the muscles of his jaw standing out in stark relief. And his hair was a mess. Tousled and slightly damp, as if he were back on the deck of a ship. But she’d done that to him. Made him mad-eyed and wild-haired. She smiled.

His fierce expression didn’t budge. “You have no idea how gorgeous you are when you come.”

Though she was limp and boneless, Max lifted her toward him as if she weighed nothing. Still deep inside her, he put his arms around her and kissed her hard.