"What is wrong?" he pushed.

She gave in with a sigh. "People are treating me strangely—"

"Poorly?" he interrupted.

Emma shook her head. "Not at all. Only. . . they seem cu­rious."


Emma met his gaze and held it. "About the woman who could thaw the great Duke of Winterhart."

The skin around his eyes tightened. "I see."

"They seem to find me singularly unremarkable and can't imagine that I could inspire you to such . . . indiscretion."

His jaw shifted forward a fraction of an inch, but he said nothing.

"You clearly can't stand the idea of people discussing you. So why are you doing this? And for no reason, I'll remind you, since I won't give in."

Though his jaw jumped with tension, Somerhart shrugged and let his arms fall to his sides. "It seems this morning that I enjoyed myself far too much to care that people may talk."

"It can't happen again." Her words conveyed a strength she didn't feel, and he must've known it for his teeth flashed in a quick, wicked smile. Emma steeled herself, knowing he was about to press his seduction, knowing she must tap some heretofore unfound resolve.

But he surprised her. Instead of sliding into the seat beside her, Somerhart took the bench across the narrow aisle. The man seemed content to talk. Again.

"Do you have family?"

"No. Will you tell me about your sister?"

He grunted and crossed his ankles. "What do you wish to know?"

"Is she truly scandalous?"

"Oh, yes. Truly."

Emma smiled at the affection in his voice. "Yet you seem to love her."

"Of course. She is my sister. Why don't you wish to marry?"

Emma had been relaxing, but now she scowled. "You should be careful of your choice of topic, sir. The wrong lady would assume you were leading toward negotiation."

"Pardon?" His eyes flared with horror and Emma choked on her laughter, relieved she wasn't some young maid with dreams of marrying the handsome duke.

"This is twice now you've asked why I won't marry. Are you quite interested?"

"Good God, I'm usually more careful. Your bad influence again, I'm sure."


"Your recklessness is catching."

His gaze fell to her mouth as she chuckled. "You think it reckless to consider marriage?"

"I'm a bachelor duke. It's reckless to even be this near an unmarried woman. Many of them have hidden tentacles, you know."

"Quite hunted, are you?"
