"I don't wish harm to him or his family. They were kind to me."
"But you mean to give up your life here and run from him?"
She met his worried gaze and decided to tell the truth. "I never meant to stay here, Lancaster. I could not afford to do so even if I meant to. I only came to—"
"It is clear why you came here, Emma. You came to make your fortune." His eyes were sympathetic. Understanding.
She looked away. "It is not so much of a fortune."
"I know. But you have a right to it. More so than I will have to mine. You have worked for yours; I will simply marry."
Emma gave into a watery laugh. "Some would consider that a lifetime of work."
"Perhaps." His hand covered hers. "If I had a small fortune to spare I would give it to you and send you on your way. Or not."
She blushed as she laughed. Even in her distress she could still find him charming. Attractive. And not the least bit tempting. And she wasn't honestly sure that he was tempted by her. She was a diversion from the very real fact that he would need to find a wife in short order. Any wife, as long as she came with money.
And she was not the only diversion if the state of his shirt was any indication.
She smiled more easily and met his eyes. "I do have a plan, but I need your help. I would like to have Matthew arrested. I'd like him held for a week or two; held but not harmed. But I do not know how to find the right constable, someone willing to take bribes. Someone dishonest, but trustworthy." She laughed again, though surely it wasn't appropriate.
He grinned. "And so you thought of me?"
"Only because you're my friend, Lancaster, not because I think you a scoundrel."
"No, I may be too honest a friend for you. I'm not sure I know how to find an honorable constable who's open to briber)?. But I will try my best."
"Thank you. I could never repay you for this."
"Oh, I imagine you could but, again, there is that damned nobility of mine."
"A burden, I'm sure." "What time will he return?"
"Three o'clock. I appealed to his sense of decency. He won't return until then."
"Well, then, I will be in contact before then. Either I will deliver a likely constable or I will come and retrieve you and beat the daylights out of your spy."
Emma's throat closed. She was choking on tears of relief and shame. She needed his help and wanted his friendship, yet she lied to him at every turn. She felt guilty about what would happen to Matthew, but she could not let him control her life. And Hart. ..
She drew a shuddering breath and squeezed Lancaster's hand. "I am truly sorry."
"Nonsense. I'm relieved that you asked me for help."
She nodded, and let him think that she was apologizing only for the inconvenience and not for the betrayal of him and everyone he knew.
Chapter 14
The simple white china felt cold against Emma's hands as she leaned over the chamber pot. Her fingers trembled. A drop of sweat fell from her temple and landed on one pale knuckle. When Emma realized that she wasn't going to be sick, she sat back on her bed and wiped her brow with a sleeve.
She had done it. She'd sent Matthew off to a little stone room with barred windows. She'd locked him up. The constable had promised that he would be kept safe and comfortable. He'd have his own cell and plenty of food and special luxuries not afforded to the other inmates. Still, Emma was sick with guilt.
If only he hadn't followed her. If only he'd waited one more month.
"Stop it," she whispered, pushing her clenched hands to her forehead. "Stop it, stop it." She'd had him arrested. It was done. It would only be worth it if she moved forward with her plans.
Bess scratched at the door. "Lord Lanca
ster has gone, ma'am. He asked me to convey his concern and requests that you contact him tomorrow. He was very worried."