"I did nothing wrong, Collin. Nothing." She thought of what Jeannie had said to comfort her the night before. Tell him the truth. Make him feel a fool and he'll come to his senses. The truth then. "Collin, it was Jeannie I spoke of to Fergus, why I searched him out."

"What about Jeannie?"

"There is an . . . an attraction."

"That's ridiculous. Fergus has known her since she was hardly more than a child."

"She's only two years younger than I, Collin. The girl knows what she wants, and Fergus refuses to acknowl­edge it."

"Then leave the man alone. And if you're speaking the truth . . . then I apologize, Alex. I'm sorry that I lost my temper."

She nodded, feeling like a stranger to herself, but a tiny ray of righteous anger shone through her muddled thoughts. "I want that woman gone."


"She's been disrespectful to me since that first day. And to think that she has spied on me . . ." She could see by the razor line of his mouth that she should have waited to speak. Waited a week or two till this had passed.

"You want me to turn her out?"


"I have known her nearly twenty years. Her mother was a friend to mine."

"She does not treat me as she should, Collin."

"And where should I send her? Out to the cold to freeze? Her mother is dead and she has no family. Could I give her a reference at least, so she would not starve?"

"I don't care where she goes. She wants you, Collin! She watches you like a dog watches for scraps at the table. And she wishes me gone. That should be obvious now."

"What is obvious is her concern for me, as a friend. And what kind of friend would I be if I let you dismiss her? You have never lived as she has, Alex. You have never been hungry or cold or worried over anything more than which dress would flatter your figure most." He paused, and she thought he was done with his tirade, but he only drew a breath for the next attack.

"Rebecca is an excellent housekeeper. She works hard and she does her job and if she is shocked at your bold­ness, well then, I shall send away everyone who knows you, for who isn't?"

Collin slammed from the room, not caring that he left her heart bleeding in her straining chest.

A long day passed in heavy silence, and Alexandra was sure she would not sleep. But she had lain awake the night before, after all, and the world spun into oblivion as soon as she lay down.

A warm touch woke her to pitch black.

"I'm sorry, Alex." His lips moved against her back, his breath spreading hot over her shoulder blade.

She blinked her eyes open, but the dark soothed her back to sleep within seconds. A heavy weight curled over her waist, Collin's hand curving to the shape of her body, and she sighed with pleasure. "Shh," he whispered. "Sleep."

His mouth trailed kisses, his hand smoothed over her hip. Alex melted into the bed, liquid and warm, as his fin­gers stroked down to her thighs.

"You're so beautiful. Soft and wild as summer."

The length of his body pressed to her back, a world of heat against her skin. She couldn't help but stretch and sigh and burrow closer to him.

His hand slid over her thigh, he cupped her sex. "Caitein? he breathed.

She was dreaming, she thought, and sank further into the pleasure. She arched against him, pressing back until the hot brand of his cock burned her skin. He rewarded her by slipping one finger into her folds and stroking there.


Collin's mouth whispered over her ear. "Shh," he said, even as he tortured her with pleasure. Her nerves slowly woke to a hum. His fingers slicked over and over her, teas­ing and circling until Alex whimpered.

It was lovely and too gentle, and she longed for more. She pressed her hand to his, trying to push him harder, but his fingers refused to obey, refused to stop the torment. She raised her leg and slipped it back, over his thighs. "Collin, please."