"He did not seem so understanding yesterday."

"He was only worried for me."

"And so were we all." She gathered brush and ribbon and jerked the bell pull in passing. "It was a close thing, you know. His Grace had lost hope."

"Well, the problem I pose cannot be gotten rid of so easily, I'm afraid. And you did not tell me that Collin had been here."

"I did not know myself. No one is speaking to me."

"I am sorry, Danielle. Things did not go as I'd planned."

"It's fine. I did enjoy my week, though it was not worth risking your very life."

"Mine was." She settled against the pillows with a sigh, enjoying both her memories and the

soothing whisper of the brush over her hair. A quick peek revealed her maid's sparkling look.

"That good, was he?"

"Oh, you have no idea. I did not, at the very least."

"Will you marry him then?"

Alex's happiness trailed away, the loss punctuated by a snarl the maid caught with the brush. "I am considering it." She thought of his hands slicking over her naked skin. "I am sorely tempted. What do you think?"

"I think if Scottish footmen look like your Mr. Black­burn I would be content to move north."


"And I think that if a man can tempt you to marriage, then you'd be wise to marry him. You've never been tempted before, not that I can recall."

"No." She thought of Collin again. Of him older, hair graying. Thought of him cradling a tiny child in those mus­cled arms. Her heart warmed, melted a little, the heat of it dripping down to pool in her belly. "He's a good man. He would be a good father, a good husband." She thought of his dignity and honor. "I don't think he'd be unfaithful."

"And you love him, do you not?"

A smile trembled over her lips. "He is easy to love."

"That is the best kind of man."

"Have you ever been in love, Danielle?"

Her maid's pert nose wrinkled. "Definitely not."

"Not even a little?"

"Hmph," she sniffed, nose now raised in the air. "And who am I to fall in love with a pale English boy? I loved my father and I was rather fond of that chef your brother hired just before we left London, but he kissed like a farmer despite his airs."

"Like a farmer?" Alex laughed. "Whatever does that mean?"

"He kissed like a man who must hurry back to the fields, not a man who has time to savor."


"And your Scotsman? How does he kiss?" Alex closed her eyes, imagined his mouth falling to hers.

"He kisses like . . . He kisses like a man who knows what he wants and will never have it again." She bit her lip, body already tight with the memory of pleasure.

When her eyes slid open, Danielle's wicked smile made her blush. "He loves you, Mademoiselle. Marry him."