Her soft thigh pressed against his in a line of damp heat, so that he felt her waking long before she stretched.

"Dinner." Her stretch ended with a tantalizing wiggle of her bottom as she burrowed into the sheets. Collin smiled at the ceiling and pressed his hip more firmly against her arse.

"I took care of breakfast. Isn't it your turn to serve?"

A hand emerged from the linens to wave him away. "Hungry. Food."

He shook his head and decided to indulge her. Better to have her in his debt for the rest of the evening. There were far more tantalizing things than food she could present to him. His body pulsed to life at the idea.

Collin slipped from the bed and padded naked to the kitchen. He gathered up food and plate, wine and water, more wine. By the time he returned to the room, Alex was smiling sleepily in his direction.

"Good evening, Mr. Blackburn," she purred, her words a glide of satin over his bare skin. "Are you going to serve me in bed?" Her bold words were in delicious contrast to the blush that fired her cheeks. Everything about her was delicious and contrary.

"Aye," he answered, approaching with the oak tray. "I am obedient in all things."

"Oh, not true, sir. You are willful. Insolent, even."

Collin filled a glass to the brim with wine and held it carefully out. "I am only looking out for your good, Mis­tress. You are known to be rash and hurried in some arenas."

"Mm. I'll concede that. You were exceedingly instruc­tive today."

"Perhaps you shall promote me to tutor."

Alexandra took a long sip from her wine. Collin watched the slide and swallow of her white throat. When she licked an errant drop from her lips, her eyes fell, caught by the swelling of his body. "A tutor. I should like that very much." Collin felt his skin stretching. "Will you teach me how to please you, then?" She licked her lips again, glanced up through lashes to gauge his reaction.

"My God," he laughed. "You are shameless." His tone and his tumescence left little doubt where he stood on the issue. Her shamelessness aroused him completely. "Eat your dinner, caitein. We'll continue this discussion later."

She sighed as if in grief, then set to her food with an en­thusiasm that belied her acting. Her sheet fell away, ex­posing those small breasts that had branded his hands. Collin watched with sheer appreciation as he sat down on the bed, the tray a temporary barrier between them. The woman had not a stitch of modesty. She sat there, naked, and dined with him as if she attended nude dinner parties on a regular basis. Even the most experienced of women he'd bedded had always developed an odd consciousness of their bodies after the lust wore off. Not Alexandra. She but­tered her bread and raised her glass with nothing more than a friendly sparkle in his direction. Her breasts bobbed with each motion, utterly distracting him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" she asked at one point. "Of course," he answered and fed himself without tast­ing a morsel.

By God, she was lovely. And what was he to do with her? She'd return to Somerhart soon, and then what? Find another lover? She couldn't remain chaste. Even as a virgin, she'd been pulsing with sensuality; now that she'd discovered the workings of her body . . . His ja

w popped in the quiet room.

Alexandra didn't notice. She'd discovered a peach tart and was biting into it, eyes closed in pleasure. Her tangled mess of curls swept against her shoulders and down over the smooth arch of her back. Her movements stirred the scent of lavender and sex that clung to her.

Fear spiked his blood, and Collin drained his goblet in defense. He should marry her, wealth and standing be damned. He didn't want her to ever take another lover, but he did not want her waking every morning alone either. He wanted to slip between her thighs as she slept, wake her each day to the feel of his cock sliding deep and true into her body.

She caught his gaze and her eyes widened in surprise. Collin looked away to hide the sharpness of his passion. "More wine?"

As soon as he'd lifted the bottle, she grabbed the tray and hauled it off the bed, staggering a little under its weight. She held out her glass when she returned, watch­ing while he poured the wine.

Glass full again, she sauntered away to stand at the window, watching the coming dark. Collin devoured the sight of her, framed against the haunting blue of dusk.

"This is my favorite time of day," she murmured. "No matter where you are, the world looks beautiful."

"You're beautiful."

She tossed him a surprisingly demure smile. "You don't think I look like a boy?"

Wine stung his throat, wrenching a cough from his lungs. "A boy?" he croaked.

"I've no breasts to speak of, no hips." She shrugged, turning to lean her back against the window sill.

"You've perfect breasts, Alex. And precious hips." She rolled her eyes. "And your arse alone could make a man weep with joy."
