Steeling herself against the coming confrontation, she stepped away from the door and opened it just a crack.

"Alexandra," he said in a suspiciously even voice. "Might I speak with you?"


His mouth tightened. "Will you open the door?"

She stared at him for a long moment just to be diffi­cult, then let the door swing open. "What is it?"

She pretended not to notice his anger, but she did back a few steps away from him as he slipped in and shut the door.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like I've done something terrible."

"I'm not acting that way at all."

"You won't speak to me. You won't even look at me. You're leaving tomorrow and all you can manage for me is a nod of your damned head?"

Oh, this was ridiculous. "I can't imagine why you'd care."

Collin growled, hands crumpling to fists. "You think I wouldn't even care to say a proper good-bye to you?"

Her temper ruled her, off-balance as she was from a combination of his overwhelming presence and the wine she'd consumed. "I think that you had every reason not to like me when we met, and I think you do not like me now. I, I offered myself to you like a . .." She pulled herself straight and refused to say it. "And you didn't want me."

"That's absolutely not true."

"Of course it is." She looked down at the floor, unable to meet his suddenly understanding gaze. "You're simply too nice to say it."

"Come here."

"No." She shook her head to emphasize the word. She heard a step and saw his boots come into her line of vision.

"Alex," he said more softly.

She shook her head again, wishing he'd go away, wishing she didn't feel so uncertain. She felt his hand beneath her chin and let him raise her face to his gaze.

"Surely you know when a man wants you."

"Apparently not."

"Alex." She heard the laughter in the word, his amuse­ment at her pouting. And then his breath touched her lips. And then his mouth was against hers and she was sighing and opening to him.

The kiss was so soft, so hesitant that, though her heart leapt at the touch, it only confirmed what she feared. He did not want her as she wanted him. He didn't kiss her hard and hot. He didn't push her to the bed and strip her naked and slake his need. He only held

her, licked gently at her bottom lip.

She wanted his tongue. She wanted his arousal.

She broke away, swiped at the warmth that lingered on her mouth. "Don't lie to me, Collin." Ignoring his shocked eyes, she spun and jerked open the corner drawer of her dresser.

"Here." She thrust the stiff paper into his hands, push­ing it away from her. "Take it. Leave." He just stared at her a moment, looking almost hurt.

Finally, he glanced down, brow furrowed as he turned the paper over in his hands. "What is it?"

"What do you think it is?"