"Collin . . ." Her lips curved in a fierce frown. "That's ridiculous. I chose you. I lured you to that cottage—"

His sharp gesture cut her off. "You chose me to lie with, not to marry."


"Sleeping with a common bastard is one thing, but even you said you wouldn't deign to marry one."

"I. . . I didn't!"

"You did. When I accused you of trapping me into mar­riage."

"Oh, for God's sake, you were yelling at me."


"So, I was mad! And speaking of mad, your explanation is completely ridiculous. All those suppositions apply to you more so than me. You had absolutely no choice at all."

"Of course I did."

"Oh, how so? Marry me or take a bullet to the head? Live with shame the rest of your life? What kind of choice is that? But I wanted you, Collin. I wanted you so much that I married you knowing you didn't want that."

He stared, jaw sore with tension, and began to feel the smallest stirrings of hope. "But you are a lady, the daugh­ter of a—" He blocked the little fist she threw at his chest. "What?"

"I love you, you idiot. I love you."

"But. . . But why have you never said so?"

"Why have you never said so?" Tears glittered in her eyes, magnifying the blue hurt.

"You had too much power over me already."

"What power?"

His bark of laughter cleared the thickness from his throat. "You rule my body, my soul."

"You barely even speak to me!"

He dared a step closer to her, dared to reach out and take her clenched hand. "I'm sorry, wife. Truly I am. I never meant to treat y

ou so badly. I just. . .

"Nothing in my life excited me anymore until I brought it to you. A mare pregnant, a sale—the magic was all in the anticipation of telling you about it, and I thought. . . I thought you must leave me some day. Go back to your real life and leave me with nothing. I meant to keep my pride, at least, since you had my heart."

Collin was sure he'd seen nothing more beautiful in his life than her face then, at that moment, softening into ten­derness for him. Her fingers reached to smooth a curve over his brow.

"I love you, Collin. I only left because you pushed me so far away. I'd thought I could make you love me, but I couldn't seem to manage it."

He caught her hand and pressed it hard to his mouth, felt her fingers curl to cup his jaw. "Come home, caitein" he whispered into her skin. "Come home with me, wife. Please." She did not answer his plea.

"I want your help. I want your help with the money and with the manor house. You and Fergus can share an office even, in the new home. I won't blink an eye, I swear."

"Truly?" She laughed at his nod. "And you won't let me be lonely anymore?"

"Never," he moaned, and kissed her, breathing all his fears and needs into her mouth. "Please forgive me."

"You'll take meals with me? Every day?"

"Yes." A kiss.