“Fine, but I should definitely take the lead next Sunday.”

“Ha!” Benton grabbed his pack. “I’m sure I’ll be safe in your arms. I’ve gotta get to my shift. See you next weekend.”

Before following Benton out the door, Gabe headed over to shake William’s hand. “Thanks for the refresher, man.”

William shrugged. “You didn’t seem to need it. You probably know more knots than I do.”

“I practiced a lot during the winters in Cincinnati. Not much climbing there.” Gabe helped William recoil the last ropes that were piled on the table.

“I have to admit,” William said, “I was surprised to see you. I don’t think we’ve ever had a librarian on the technical rescue team.”

“Yeah, well we don’t get many firefighters in the library, either.”


“Actually, I know you guys read all the time. The Cincy firefighters seemed big on ebooks. We’re working on getting ebook lending set up, so I’ll let you know when it’s up and running.”

“Sounds good,” William said with a wink. “But then we won’t have an excuse to come flirt with the librarians. Present company excepted, of course.”

“Now my feelings are hurt,” Gabe said, dropping a coil in the box of rope William had brought to educate the rescue team on rope safety.

William dropped the last rope in. “Thanks for the help. If you want to hang out a minute, we’re picking up a game out back.”

“Another time, thanks. I’ve got plans tonight.”

“Book club?” William asked


“Something like that.”

Gabe hit the door and practically jogged toward his street, wishing he’d been smart enough to drive to work today. His phone rang when he was almost to his place. “Hi,” he said as soon as he answered. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

“Do you have a date, baby brother?”

He laughed in shock at the sound of his sister’s voice. “Hey, Naomi. I’m heading out for a beer.”

“Really? Your voice sounded awfully sweet,” she teased.

“Shit.” He shook his head. “What’s up? Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine, but I want to hear more about this date.”

“It’s just a date,” he said, and she squealed in excitement.

“I knew it. Tell me all about her.”

“I’m not telling you anything. And I’m running late. That’s all you need to know.”

She sighed but gave up easily. “All right. I was just calling to say I’m thinking of coming to visit sometime. Would you let me stay if I did? Pretty please?”

“I’ve only got one bedroom,” he said.

“Pleeeeeease? Come on. You know I hate hotels.”

He could perfectly picture her exaggerated pout. He shook his head. “You’d have to sleep on my couch.”

“Yay! I’ll probably come next week. Let all your single friends know.”