When they emerged from the office five minutes later, Veronica was sure she’d feel embarrassed. She didn’t like to be the center of attention, after all, and she wasn’t exactly used to people knowing about her personal life, if only because she’d rarely had one.

But the brief round of applause that greeted them felt friendly. She blushed, but she held tight to Gabe’s hand as they worked their way over to Benton’s table so Veronica could give Naomi a hug.

“Thank you for giving him another chance,” Naomi said as she squeezed Veronica tight. “Men are idiots sometimes. Most of the time.”

“I know,” Veronica said. She noticed that when Gabe’s sister sat back down, her thigh was pressed tightly to Benton’s leg, and his hand settled over her knee.

Interesting, but Veronica was too wired to think about catching up right now. That could happen later. Right now all she cared about was being alone with Gabe.

Gabe slapped Benton’s back. “Thanks for delivering my note. We’re heading over to Veronica’s place to talk.”

Naomi arched an eyebrow. “I won’t wait up.”

“I didn’t think you would,” he said, his gaze going pointedly toward Benton’s hand. Naomi put her hand over Benton’s and laced their fingers together.

Gabe nodded and turned Veronica toward the door.

“Are they an item?” Veronica whispered as they walked away.

“Maybe. They’ve been talking a lot over the past few weeks. They had a thing a few years ago, and I guess the spark hasn’t died.”

“That’s nice.”

He shrugged. “I suppose. Benton’s a bit of a player, but when I pointed that out to Naomi she reminded me that she hasn’t exactly been a wallflower. She’ll give him a run for his money.”

“They’re cute together.”

He shot her a smile. “True. And it won’t be hard for me to keep an eye on my best friend.”

“But who’s going to watch your sister?”

“Good question. Maybe it’s Benton’s heart I should be worried about.”

The night was quiet and warm, but thunder rumbled beyond the mountains. As they walked, Gabe looked over the town square, which was still bustling with people. “It’s starting to get busy around here. Feels like I’ve been gone a long time.”

She nodded. It had felt like months.

He breathed in deeply as they drew closer to her apartment. “God, it smells good. I can’t believe I was going to give this up.”

Now that she wasn’t kissing him, it was a little easier to think, to consider what he’d said and what he’d done. She turned it over in her head, trying to figure out if she was making a mistake. He’d betrayed her, yes, but his heart had been in the right place. He’d wanted to do the right thing for his family, even though it was wrong to keep the truth from her. Still, she hesitated at her door.

“Gabe, this is only a chance. I’m not promising anything. It’ll take me a while to trust you again.”

“I know,” he said.

“How will I know when you’re telling me something I want to hear and when you’re being truthful?”

“I’ll be honest to a fault.”

She eyed him doubtfully.

“I’m serious. Like, I’ll tell you right now that I’ll deny being your boyfriend if it will save me getting beat up by Jake Davis.”

She laughed and let him bend down to kiss her before she shoved him away and unlocked the door.

“And,” he continued as he followed her inside, “I’m really not a fan of your dad. Sorry. That’s just the truth.”

“Oh, that’s a shock.”