And then he pulled away.

We were only a few inches apart when we opened our eyes at the same time.

I stared into those emerald green jewels, and they twinkled in merriment.

“So… is that going to keep you awake?” he whispered mischievously.

Later, I wondered why my inner voices weren’t screaming in horror – Don’t do this! Remember Kevin! – but I think it was that he’d caught me by surprise. And once I started kissing him, my brain turned to melted ice cream. Awash in sweet deliciousness, with no coherent thoughts at all.

And my body… God, I had never been that turned on before in my life.

Whenever I’d kissed Kevin before, I usually remained semi-detached, kind of like, Oh, this is a nice experience.

Kissing Derek was like time standing still, nothing but pure sensation and animal instinct, nothing existing but overwhelming sensuality.

My brain had pretty much short-circuited.

The rest of me hadn’t, though. My breasts ached to be touched, and my panties were soaked. I usually didn’t get this wet until halfway through sex… and Derek had done it to me with two minutes of kissing.

Okay, to be honest… it had probably only taken him ten seconds. I just didn’t notice how wet I was until we stopped.

I said my brain had short-circuited. As it booted back up, there was only one thought in my mind:

That wasn’t what I expected.

I had thought he would be rough and brutish… that he would kiss hard and fast and violently. That had excited me, but also scared me.

But this… this had been like slipping bit by bit into a deliciously warm bath. Toes, feet, calves, knees, thighs… and beyond.

Sensual. Gradual. Gentle.

“What are you thinking?” he asked, searching my eyes.

I said the only thing that I could think of.

“You kiss like a girl,” I whispered.

He looked surprised – and then he laughed. “You’ve kissed a girl?”

I have never, ever kissed a girl in my life.

I blushed fire-engine red. “NO – I just meant – ”

“Okay,” he interrupted with a whisper, “this time I’ll kiss you like a man.”

And he leaned in and kissed me again.

Ohhhhhhhhh sweet God almighty.

He started off soft and gentle again, but that only lasted for a couple of seconds. Then his intensity began to ramp up, the pressure building, and I felt his tongue again, pressing, entering me, and I let it, and his lips were pressing harder against mine, his passion building, and mine rising to match his.

He scooted his whole body closer to mine. Suddenly his arms were around me, lifting my ass up from the bed slightly, and pulling me against him. I felt the hardness of his muscles against my curves – his muscular chest against my breasts, his massive arms encircling me. His hands, so big and strong, clutched at my ass and then moved up my spine. He carefully lowered me onto my back, his hands supporting me, his body pressing against mine, as we sank down together onto the bed.

By this point I was out of my mind with desire.

When they talk about electricity, about a kiss being electric?

They’re not kidding.

It was like a soft, warm, gentle current moved from his body to mine – and grew more powerful and insistent by the second.

As he lowered me onto my back, he rearranged his body so that he was on top of me, his weight bearing down on me, and it felt so good and so right and I wanted him to be pressed into me completely, hard against me, hard inside me.

I lifted my arms up and circled them around his neck, and I opened up my legs.

Even with both of our jeans between us, I could feel his cock, stiff and hard and hot as sun-warmed stone, pressing against my thigh, then pressing between my legs.

I moaned into his lips, and he redoubled the power of his kiss, taking my breath away as he entered my mouth and swirled his tongue around mine. He braced his weight with his left arm as his right hand moved from my back to my face, tracing lightly down my neck, then past my collarbone to my chest, his fingers brushing against my breast, then circling it, cupping it, squeezing it sooooo good. I moved my hands down to his ass – GOD how I’d been longing to touch it – and I felt the powerful globes of his cheeks under my hands. I clutched at them, kneaded them, pulled his pelvis against me, arching my hips against his, the hardness of his cock pressing through both our jeans and against my clit, sending thrills of pleasure through my whole body. I was so hot down there, so wet, and I ached to feel him inside me –

And then I heard the scrape of a key in the lock.


My eyes snapped open, and panic and guilt blasted through me.

What the FUCK are you doing, Kaitlyn?!

I pushed Derek off me with a jolt of adrenaline so powerful it took us both by surprise. He toppled backwards onto his ass, a look of shock on his face. I scrambled upright and snatched up a bunch of crinkled notes, then stared at them with an intensity people usually reserve for notices of foreclosure and bad medical reports.