I tried to ignore the fact that I was in sweatpants again.

He was standing there in essentially the same get-up as the other night, except he’d changed out the Led Zeppelin shirt for – of all things – a faded Whitesnake tour shirt.

He pointed to it with a mock gangsta expression like, Yeeeaaaah, boy, REPRESENTIN’!

I burst out laughing.

“Ohhhhh… very nice. You joined the fan club, I see.”

“Just for you,” he said, and grinned as he leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed across his chest. “I had to go to three Goodwills to find this puppy.”

God, he had great arms…

“Is that so? Orrrr were you secretly a member all along, and you’re just coming out of the closet?” I teased.

“You got me.” He put his hands on his hips defiantly. “Now I’m out and proud, baby.”

“Are we talking the Whitesnake closet, or is there something else you want to tell me?”

“Why?” he asked mischievously. “If I thought I might be gay, and I was all depressed because society hates me, would you try to help me… figure things out?”


Despite the whole ‘I might be gay’ part, which normally would be a libido killer (but here was obviously just a joke), it was the idea of how I could help him ‘figure things out’ that got me.

I had to fight to keep down the fluttering in my belly.

Remember: man-slut, the little angel on my right shoulder whispered.

Best sex of her LIFE, the little devil on the left smirked.

Kevin – remember Kevin, the angel urged.

Your EX-boyfriend, the little devil shouted.

“No, but Shanna would be up for that,” I finally said.

“Shanna doesn’t need that excuse to take a guy to bed.”

I laughed. “True. But haven’t you heard? Society doesn’t hate gay people anymore.”

“Haven’t you heard?” he shot back. “We’re in Georgia.”

I laughed again. “Well, the Baptist Student union     is right down the street. I’m pretty sure they’ll help you ‘pray the gay away.’”

“Great, I’ll just go down there and – oh, you know what?”

He pulled out his shirt collar and looked down at his chest as though he were inspecting something.

I sooooo wished I could see what he was looking at right then.

He let go of his collar and looked back up at me. “We’re good. I just realized I’m 100% into women.”

And he gave me a look from my head to my toes that basically said, I want to rip off your clothes and lick you up and down like an ice cream cone.

My knees went weak.

This… this was not good.

I turned away to regain my composure and went back into my room. “How nice for you. Shanna’s not here to take you up on it, though.”

“That’s even better, since I came to see you.”

Oh crap.

This was soooo not good.

Remember Kevin, remember Kevin, remember Kevin! the little angel cried.

Your EX-boyfriend, your EX-boyfriend, your EX-boyfriend! the little devil hollered.

I turned around and tried to sound surprised. “You came to see me?”


I thought about mockingly asking him Why?, but I was afraid he might tell me exactly why.

Instead I just stared into his beautiful green eyes for a few seconds…

…and then he grinned at me, like the whole thing had been in good fun.

As soon as he did that, I broke out grinning, too – I couldn’t help it! – and then I looked away, shy and embarrassed.

Thank God there was a pile of laundry right in front of me: something to do. I started folding.

“Um… well… hi,” I said as I folded a cotton shirt.

He kept leaning against the doorframe, just watching me. “So, how’d the Chaucer test go?”

Oh yeah!

Something neutral to talk about.

“Really well, I think – the essay was to write about what the knight learned from the old woman, how he used it, and what it implied in the battle of the sexes.”

“Battle of the sexes, huh?”

“That was the essay question.”

“You know, in the battle of the sexes, I’m more of lover than a fighter,” he said with a playful smirk, trying to gauge my reaction.

Best sex she’d ever had.

Your roommate missed out BIG time.

I chose to ignore the comment.

“I think I might have gotten an A or a B, if I didn’t screw up any too much on the grammar or spelling.”

“See?” he said, immensely pleased with himself. “I saved your bacon.”

I made a face at him. “Yeah, after distracting me for hours on end.”

“Aaaaah, you enjoyed it.”