‘And what about the rest of the world?’

‘I’m not following you.’

‘Your friends. Business colleagues.’

‘What about them?’

‘What will they say? What will they think of you? I mean, it’s not every day that a big cheese finds himself embroiled in a scandal…’

‘Now who’s the dinosaur?’ Riccardo commented wryly. ‘For starters, it’s not a scandal. And then gossip involving businessmen barely qualifies as gossip. Anyway…’ he shrugged, ‘…I really don’t give a damn about what other people think of the happenings in my personal life.’

Charlotte wished she possessed such insouciance. She might just have been able to deal with Riccardo’s presence in her life a bit better. As it was, she had only just recovered from the curiosity of friends and workmates, who all now knew about Riccardo, and she foresaw miserable times ahead trying to handle her broken life. Which brought her back to her original remark about conditions.

‘I also would rather you kept your private life out of Gina’s domain…’ she said tentatively, and Riccardo frowned. ‘I mean…’ She continued hurriedly, just in case he thought that she was trying to angle the conversation back to an argument about the women he dated. ‘I don’t care what you get up to between the sheets, but I don’t want Gina being introduced to a procession of your women.’

‘And if it’s just the one?’

‘Well, that would be different. Of course.’ Was there one? she wondered?

‘And should I bring her round for your inspection beforehand? Just to make sure that I’m not contravening any of your moral laws?’

‘There’s no need to be sarcastic,’ Charlotte said hotly.

She looked so young. Young and vulnerable, leaning forward in the chair with her feet tucked solidly underneath her as if anchoring them down just in case they decided to stand up and flee. ‘No, there’s no need. You have my word. The only woman I will ever introduce to Gina will be the woman I intend to commit my life to.’

Charlotte felt a sharp pang at this imaginary woman and nodded.

‘I needn’t ask a similar condition of you,’ Riccardo said politely through gritted teeth. ‘As I know there already is a man in your life.’ Something felt as though it was being ripped out of him. ‘You never said…does Gina get along with him?’ God knew, the paragon of a boyfriend, who had been lurking in the background for the past couple of weeks, was probably a dab hand at entertaining eight-year-old children. But no longer could he lay down laws about her private life. She had no objection to Gina meeting a woman if he was in a committed relationship. He was obliged to return the favour. More so, considering Gina doubtless had an easy relationship with Ben.

‘Oh, most people get along with Ben,’ Charlotte said, skirting round the question. ‘I’m glad we sorted that one out, Riccardo, although I feel badly that you wasted all that money setting up stuff to work at home.’

‘We’ll sort out finances another day,’ Riccardo said brusquely. He looked at his watch. Gina would be getting back to the house at any minute. ‘And I suggest we both sit Gina down and break this to her.’

‘Of course.’ She hadn’t missed that quick glance at his watch. The conversation for him was now terminated. They would provide a united front when they spoke to Gina later, but as far as he was concerned he was through with playing house. He had probably been through with it long before his departure meal tonight. She just hadn’t been quick enough to spot it, but then love was good at blurring the focus.