Her eyes blazed with victory.

As if she’d won.

Cole growled and yanked her jeans off with rough hands. Grace laughed as if he couldn’t be rough enough to do anything more than amuse her. He slipped on a condom and lowered himself over her. And when he grabbed her wrists and pressed them to the bed, she laughed again, taunting him. She thought she was about to get what she wanted.

But Cole had other ideas. He pressed his hips tight to hers, pushing his cock against her just as he had before. Only this time there were no clothes between them. It was just his cock sliding against her clit.

She wrapped her legs around him again, and the heat of her pussy seared his shaft. But he didn’t shift his hips. He didn’t slide lower so he could sink inside her. Instead, he pressed his cock against her clit again, rocking until she moaned.

For a moment, he almost forgot why he was doing this. He was overwhelmed with the thought that he could shift one inch down, just one tiny inch, and his head would slide into her. She was so wet. It would be so easy. He’d slip right into place and then press a little and he’d be in her. Inside that tightness and heat. Surrounded by her body as she took him in. He’d—

“Fuck me,” she pleaded. “Fuck me.”

He remembered, suddenly. Remembered that he’d meant to make her pay.

“No,” he said. He slid lower, but he didn’t stop where she wanted—where he wanted. Instead he put his knee between her thighs and bent over to suck her nipple between his teeth.

“No!” she gasped, even as she arched up into his mouth. He pressed his teeth a little harder and she cried out, then whimpered when he licked at her to soothe the sting.

“Oh, God,” she groaned. She tried to slide down, but his thigh blocked her way. He pressed his leg against her, loving the way she moved against him in desperation.

She seemed to remember that he held her wrists then, and when she struggled against him, he remembered, too. That he had her beneath him, that her delicate wrists were in his grip, that she was fighting him, twisting her arms, even as she rocked against him, the heat of her pussy scalding his skin, driving him mad. He wanted inside her. He needed it.

She jerked her hands, trying to free them. He held her easily.

“Tell me you want me to let you go,” he whispered against her skin.

“Do it,” she ordered.

“No.” He dragged his mouth up to her collarbone. “Tell me you want me to let you go, if that’s what you want. Tell me to let you go and get off you.”

She bucked beneath him, her arms straining.

“Or…beg me to hold you down and take you. Beg me.”

“Fuck you,” she growled.

He kissed her neck and now his body was pressed against her, his cock notched just there. He wanted to groan the way she was groaning. Wanted to beg her to let him. Please, just let me. She was so strong. So stubborn and angry and brave.

“I’ll fuck you, Grace. All you have to do is ask me nicely. That’s all. Ask for what you want from me instead of taking. I’ll give you anything.”

“I hate you,” she sobbed. Her hips tipped up, dragging her sex against the head of his cock. Power turned to liquid heat in his veins and threatened to weaken his will.

He dragged her arms above her head and easily held both her wrists in one hand. He slid the other between them, and his fingers found the slick, hard bud of her clit easily.

“Oh, God!” she screamed. “Oh, God, please. Please, Cole.”

He smiled, amazed that he could still be controlled enough to feel anything more than animal lust. “Please, what?”

“Please. Please, fuck me. Now. Please. Just…” She pulled against his grip and moaned louder as he rubbed her clit. “Hold me down,” she rasped. “Fuck me. Hard. Please. I need it.”

Her words transformed the power in his body to blinding need. Desperation. Whatever she needed from him, he needed it more.

He took her wrists in both hands one more time, pressing them hard to the mattress.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please, please, please.”

He pressed his hips forward slowly, easing into her heat. He held his breath, concentrating on the sweet tightness of her body.