“Someday you’re going to tell me, you know.”

“No, I don’t know.” But her body relaxed into him with a sigh.

“All right. Tell me about that woman. The awful one who was trying to get you in trouble.”

Her sigh this time was rough with frustration. “Oh, God. I don’t know anything about her. I think I met her at a party in L.A. She obviously knows my ex.”

“You think that’s why she did it? Because of him?”

Grace frowned. “I don’t think so. It seemed like she was just showing off for Madeline.”

“Ah. Of course. People have told lies for less.”

Grace sat up again, her back to the headboard of his bed. She took a sip of beer. “What if it’s not a lie?”

“Which part? You already told me you weren’t into drugs, and I know you’re not a big drinker. Are you a thief?”

“What if I said I was?” she asked, her chin edging out.

“I don’t know,” he said honestly. “I know you didn’t take eight thousand dollars, anyway.”


“You’re spending your nights in a sleeping bag on hardwood. Either you’re the most frugal thief ever or it isn’t true.”

“But if it was? If I were a thief?”

“What are we talking about here? Cars? State secrets? Your ex-boyfriend’s kinky porn stash?”

She managed a small smile. “No. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It was just a misunderstanding. And now he’s being an asshole.”

“Why’d you break up?”

Her smile faded and she crossed her arms. “We weren’t really getting along, that’s all.” They drank their beers in silence for a while. He wondered at the edge in her voice that warned him away from the subject, and finally d

ecided to dare it.

“Why weren’t you getting along?”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry, but why do you think I’d tell you my deepest, darkest secrets after the way you treated me last night? What kind of a fool do you think I am?”

“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “Again. This whole film thing…it’s a sore spot with me.”

“It’s all right.”

“No, it isn’t.”

“It doesn’t matter. You got back in my pants, didn’t you? Just let it go.”

Yeah, he’d gotten back in her pants, but he had this need crawling through him, tunneling under his skin. He wanted to get her to reveal more than just her body. He had no idea why. Her dark eyes drove him mad. And her cool smiles. And the way she’d seemed so unsurprised at the way he’d treated her.

It fascinated him and made him feel like shit at the same time.

He needed to know more. Maybe if he offered something, she’d tell him more in return. “I worked for Madeline Beckingham when she was shooting a film here thirteen years ago. I got caught up in the attention. I didn’t like what it brought out in me.”

“Were you an actor?”

“At first I was just an extra. Then I helped with some of the training on riding issues. I worked with the stuntmen. And I got a small part.”