He never once paused. He gave her no time to adjust or relax. He just slowly pushed deeper. The perfect amount of force against the pleasure she spun with her own hand.

Yes, she said silently, unwilling to let him hear. Yes. Yes.

He didn’t issue any more orders. He didn’t speak at all. He just held her hip, and curved one hand over her shoulder, and he fucked her. No more demands. He simply took his pleasure. And she took hers. The way she wanted. Stroking herself, feeling every inch of his cock as he slid into her, then out.

Oh, God. Yes. He was steady and strong, holding her in place. “Yes,” she breathed as the pressure built inside her. He must have heard her faint whisper, because his hand gripped her hip harder and he increased the pace of his thrusts. He thrust deep, and she loved it. She loved that he’d bent her over and simply taken her. He wasn’t being careful. Wasn’t treating her like she was small and soft.

Grace tipped her hips up to meet his thrusts, and he grunted. Now his hips slapped into her ass. Yes. Yes. “Oh, God, yes,” she cried out, and then her body spasmed and she was screaming. A wordless scream of release and disbelief. She almost couldn’t take it. Not on the heels of that last, powerful climax.

She would’ve pulled away, but Cole’s hands were too strong, and he held her tight and fucked her until he groaned and slammed his cock deep into her one last time.

She couldn’t…God, she couldn’t believe it had been so intense. He was still inside her, filling her up so much she felt that she couldn’t catch her breath. When he slid free of her body, she gasped and collapsed, her knees landing on the cushions.

Cole slapped her ass. “I’ll be right back.”

“Did you just slap my ass?” she screeched as he walked toward the bathroom.


“You…damn…” Her outrage gave her the strength to push to her feet, and she yanked up her jeans. “I can’t believe—”

“Can’t believe what?” he asked, strolling back in with an obnoxious grin.

“That you slapped my ass like you were dismounting a horse!”

“That’s not how I usually dismount a horse, but that’s just me. Where do you think you’re going?”

She’d been spinning away, meaning to stomp over to the door and yank on her shirt, but Cole wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her down to the couch.


“Hey, nothing. You always walk out before the dew is dry?”

“The dew?” Grace found herself lying topless on a cowboy’s naked chest, staring down at him in openmouthed shock. “You didn’t just say that, did you?”

His hands spread over her back and he smiled softly. “Stay for a few

minutes, all right? I’m not quite done with you.”

“Well, I’m done with you.”

“Fair enough. Consider it a favor, then? Please? For a nice cowboy?”

“Nice,” she muttered, but his hands felt sweet on her back. And her muscles weren’t exactly strong at the moment. So Grace frowned to convey her ambivalence, but she slowly let herself relax into his chest. She laid her cheek to him, trying to ignore the tingle of pleasure she felt as her skin rubbed over his soft chest hair.

But she couldn’t ignore the sweet rumble of his sigh. Grace closed her eyes and exhaled.

* * *

COLE WAS GLAD she wasn’t looking at him anymore. He was having trouble maintaining his good ol’ boy smile.

Holy crap, that had been…

Clearing his throat, he tried to search for the right word, but his mind was still reeling. Right now, Grace was a perfect, sweet weight against his body. But a few minutes before, she’d been a line of slim muscle, taut as a bowstring. All that deadly energy, caught up in a small body. Jesus, just touching her had driven him a little mad. Mad enough to—

“You’re more intense than I expected,” Grace said.

Cole held his breath for a moment, then said, “Yeah?”