“Pfft. No one notices an old lady sitting in the corner,” she grumbled. She downed half the drink in one swallow. “Not even if I had purple hair.”

“Your hair’s beautiful and you know it,” he scolded.

That brightened her up. She smiled and patted her gleaming white hair. “You’re sweet to notice, Cole Rawlins.”

“I’m always sweet to you, Miss Rayleen. You know that.”

“Oh, shoot. Charmer. You brought me my drink, now go away.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You look better walking away, anyway,” she murmured.

Cole was blushing even before he saw Grace’s wide grin.

“Did my great-aunt just compliment your ass?”

“I’m sure that’s not what she meant.”


“No,” he said and sighed. “That’s exactly what she meant.” He waited for Grace to stop snorting before he touched his glass to hers. “So you had a good day. Does that mean you’re thinking of staying in Jackson?”

“Come on, now.” She laughed. “You said yourself that I don’t look like a Wyoming girl.”

“No, but I think we could all get used to you.”

“Yeah? Am I growing on you?” Her smile gleamed with flirtation. Cole felt lust curl through his body.

“Oh, you’re growing on me, all right.”

She laughed. “Flirt. I’m pretty sure I’m not your type, Cole.”

“How would you know?”

“Because if I am, then you must have been awfully lonely in Jackson Hole. I’d guess your type is more like Jenny here.”

“Oh, I… No…”

Jenny raised both eyebrows and waited to hear what he’d say. Shit.

“I don’t…”

Grace looked from him to Jenny and her eyebrows rose, too. “Oh, God. Were you two… I’m sorry.”

Jenny winked. “It was a casual thing, sweetie. No big deal. You two flirt away. I’ll move out of earshot.”

“Jesus, Cole,” Grace muttered when Jenny moved away. “Well, at least I pegged you right. That’s something.”

He could tell his face was red, but he tried to shake it off, worried it looked like guilt. “We only went out a couple of times. That doesn’t make someone my type.”

“It doesn’t make them not your type either. Pretty? Cute? Cheerful? Move along, Cole. I’m none of those things.”

“That’s not true. You—”

“Oh, please.” She smiled. “Don’t lie. If you’re going to try to talk me into something, at least be honest about it.”

His mind was spinning with a mix of frustration and hot interest. “What exactly do you think I’m trying to talk you into?”