Page 44 of Trick Me Twice

“Are you lost?” The girl sitting across from me gave me a pointed glare, looking between me and Preston.

He bent his head close to my ear and spoke so low that there was no way anyone else would hear him. “Don’t let them scare you away. They just feel threatened by you.”

“She can stay.” Kian slumped down on the sofa perpendicular to mine, pulling his lip ring into his mouth. Wow, what was this? First Preston, now Kian? He stretched out his legs, his trainer nudging against Preston’s, and I saw a small smile play across his lips. “Spin the bottle, anyone?”

His words stopped everyone staring at me, thankfully. But spin the bottle, really? I had no idea people even played it. Of course, this was technically my first party.

“I don’t want her here.” Anastasia spoke low, but I still heard her. Giving me a disdainful look, she snuggled up to Carter like she had every right to. He hadn’t even acknowledged my presence yet, but he threw an arm around her neck and whispered something in her ear, making her laugh and glance over at me. This was so hard. If it wasn’t for Lena shouting “comfort zone” in my head, and Preston’s presence next to me, I would’ve bolted.

I watched, breathless, as the bottle was set on the coffee table, and Kian gave it an experimental spin. Looking around at the people playing, I knew that if I joined in, it was going to be awkward whoever I ended up kissing. Carter’s presence, and the fact I was an outsider here and none of them liked me very much…it had the potential to mess up all my progress so far. I downed the rest of my bottle quickly, catching Imogen’s eye in the process. She gave me a reassuring smile, which I returned shyly. Maybe not all of them were so bad.

“Chris. You wanna start?” Kian grinned. “Usual rules. Kiss whoever it lands on, or do a forfeit.”

This didn’t sound good. I had no desire to find out what the forfeits would consist of, and I didn’t want to know. I was pretty sure kissing anyone here had to be better than one of Kian’s forfeits.

Chris spun, landing on Carter. “Oh baby, pucker up.”

“Fuck off.” Carter’s mouth set in a flat line. “Do the forfeit.”

“Aren’t you dying to taste these sweet lips?” He pouted, and I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up.

“Who knows where that mouth has been.” Carter stared at him.

“On your mum’s pussy.”

“You’re fucking gross.”

“Hate to interrupt the chat, but some of us want to get on with the game,” Anastasia piped up. “Kiss or forfeit. It’s not difficult.” The boys glanced at each other, then both shrugged. Chris leaned forwards, placing a kiss on Carter’s lips, and then they both started cracking up.

“Do that again.” Anastasia’s voice was all breathy. “That was hot.”

“Ana, please.” Carter gave her a kind of frustrated smile, and she smiled back up at him. Out of nowhere I was hit by an irrational surge of jealousy, as I watched Carter return her smile with a proper one.

“Ana, your turn, baby.” I’d never been so happy for Kian interrupting, as they stared into each other’s eyes.

She tore her gaze away from Carter, shrugging out from under his arm to lean forwards and spin. The bottle seemed to spin forever, and we all watched in silence as it slowed. Most of the boys looked hopeful—and why wouldn’t they? Anastasia was beautiful, and popular, and connected.

The bottle slowed to a stop, and my stomach sank. Her eyes flicked to mine, and the dread I felt was reflected in her eyes. “No. I pick a forfeit.” Her voice was firm.

I stared down at the bottle, not really taking it in. It was pointing directly at me.

“What’s the matter? Scared of kissing me?” Who am I and what are these words coming out of my mouth?

“I’m not scared. I just know where your mouth’s been, and I don’t want to catch anything.” She grimaced, then added, “You shouldn’t even be here. You don’t belong with us.”

The combination of the alcohol, the jealousy, and the pure frustration with my situation with Carter sent the words pouring from my lips before I could censor them. “Says who? What exactly is it about me that makes me so undesirable, huh?”

Stop talking! What am I saying?

Everyone stared at me in shock. Anastasia’s mouth opened and closed a few times. “You don’t fit in with us,” she eventually said.

“Ana.” At Imogen’s soft reprimand, Anastasia sat back with a huff.

“I already know what your forfeit is gonna be.”

Before Kian had even finished speaking, Anastasia flew to her feet, storming around the crate to me. “Fine. I’ll kiss her.” Then she grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. We both froze, our faces close together. Up close, I could see the jade green of her eyes, with silver flecks, and the light dusting of freckles across her tiny nose. She licked her lips, and I realised she was nervous.

Anastasia, nervous? The untouchable ice queen? Her pause gave me the confidence to do what I did next. I closed the gap between us and placed my lips on hers. She kissed me back hesitantly, then gaining confidence, followed my lead.