Page 9 of Cross the Line

I took in her earnest gaze. I was well aware of her reputation for being bitchy and spreading rumours, but I trusted my instincts, and I was sure she was telling the truth right now.

“I think…I think I’m ready for people to know.” It was time for me to be brave. My reasons I’d had for keeping it a secret suddenly didn’t seem so important.

“In that case…” A devious smile spread across her face. “Come and meet the boys.”

What boys?

She led me over to a small group of guys and girls, all in costume, sitting on blankets on the sand, and pointed everyone out to me. “Tom, Louis, Bilal, Emma, Claire. Everyone, this is Preston Montgomery III.” I didn’t recognise any of them, and I was just about to ask her if they attended Alstone High, when she turned back to me. “We all know each other from our polo club.”

“Water polo?”

“No.” She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Polo. With horses. You know?”

Ah, that polo. “Yeah, I know.”

“Anyway, Tom and Louis are both single, studying for degrees in architecture so, you know…you get brains as well as beauty.” They both eyed me curiously as I stood next to her. “And I happen to know that Louis is very good with his tongue,” she purred.

“Oh, bloody hell, Ana. Please stop.” The guy dressed as Thor—going by the red cape and the hammer lying in the sand next to him—pulled a face, his cheeks flushing slightly as he looked up at me. “Ignore her, I beg you.”

I collapsed onto the blanket next to him as the others fell back into conversation, and he stared down at his beer bottle, picking at the label. “Louis. Good to meet you, Preston. I take it from your accent that you’re not from around here?”

“Good to meet you, too. And nope.” After placing my own bottle on the sand, I stretched my legs out in front of me and leaned back on my elbows. “US born and bred. Moved over here during the summer.”

His eyes raked over me appreciatively, and I took the chance to study him. Soft, wavy chestnut hair, warm brown eyes, and a long, lithe body; he might have been my type, once upon a time. Before tonight had happened.

Before Kian.

“How are you finding the UK so far? If you’re free this weekend, I could take you to see some of

the sights? There’s a ruined castle up on the cliffs that could be fun to explore. Plenty of hidden nooks to get up close and personal.”

My attention was temporarily diverted by someone’s gaze boring holes into the side of my skull. Turning my head, my eyes met a pair of pale green ones that were darkening with anger as he stared at me sitting with Louis.

Raising a challenging brow, I cocked my head at him. He glared at me before dropping his gaze to the sand.

I suppressed the disappointment rising in me as I returned my attention to Louis. “I’m not interested in dating anyone right now. But if you wanna hang out as friends, I’m all for it.”

“If friends is all you’re offering, I’ll take it. Shame, though,” he murmured. His voice dropped and he leaned closer to me. “I could’ve shown you my legendary tongue skills.”

There was silence for a beat, and then we both started laughing at the same time.


I stopped mid-laugh, bolting upright to see Kian towering over me. His face was a carefully blank mask, but his eyes…I could see the turmoil in them.

“What do you want, Kian?” I played it casual.

“Can I speak to you?”

“Sounds like you already are.” Staring up at him, I couldn’t help taunting him with my words.

“Fucking forget it,” he muttered. Turning on his heel, he stalked away in the direction of the cliff face.

“Awkward.” Louis fake-coughed from next to me.

For fuck’s sake. “I’d better go after him.” Climbing to my feet, I addressed the group. “Great meeting you guys. Catch you later.” They gave me friendly nods and waves, and I smiled before heading towards the cliffs.

Up ahead, I saw Kian slip through the rock arch and disappear from sight. I increased my pace, not wanting to lose him out here on this darkened stretch of beach.