I could almost hear her eye roll through the phone. “I know. He’s been so distracted this week; it’s been ridiculously busy for him. He’s going to be working most of the weekend, too—that’s why I told him to go to the pub today to at least give himself a reprieve before he shuts himself in his office all day tomorrow.”

Glancing down the road, I saw the bus approaching, and I joined the queue of people waiting to board.

“Hang on a sec, I’m getting on the bus.” I held my travel card over the card reader, then made my way to the top deck and sat down.

“Okay, I’m sitting down.”

“The reason I was phoning you was—”

“Let me guess. Ethan told you about Alex?”

“Got it in one,” she laughed. “I have to say, I wouldn’t have put the two of you together, but you’ll have fun with him, at the very least.”

“Why wouldn’t you have put the two of us together?” I leaned against the bus window, staring at the busy streets.

“Alex is…well, he’s great fun. But he’s a player, for want of a better word.”

“I got that impression. Don’t worry—he kind of ended up talking me into it, to be honest. I’m not going in with any expectations. Just a bit of fun, and maybe gain a new friend in the process.”

“Good. Well, enjoy yourself. And let me know how it goes.”

“We haven’t made any plans yet. But when we do? Of course I will.”



“What the fuck is your problem, mate?” Ethan’s disapproving gaze met mine. Although all three of us were twenty-seven, Ethan had always acted like the serious older brother. He seemed to feel a sense of responsibility towards us and didn’t hesitate to pull rank when he felt it was needed.

“I don’t have a problem.” I lowered my eyes so I didn’t have to see the expression on his face any longer.

“Yes, you do. Would it kill you to be a bit nicer to Olivia? You take every chance you can to insult her or make a biting remark. Frankly, I’m sick of it, and I know Avery is, too.”

“She’s as much to blame as me,” I stated.

Ethan leaned back in the booth, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Look, I know you’re not the only one to blame.” He sighed. “But, Luke, your behaviour is a choice. You don’t have to act like that.” He shook his head at me.

My jaw clenched as I stared between my two closest friends.

Alex chimed in. “Yeah, mate, you have a real problem, alright. And I know exactly what it is.”

“Enlighten me, oh wise master.” I raised a sardonic brow.

“You want her. You want her so fucking badly that it’s completely messed up your head.” He smirked and turned to Ethan, his expression knowing. “Am I right?”

“Avery and I have spoken about this before…there could be something in your theory,” Ethan mused.

“I don’t believe this.” I slammed my palms on the table, sending the beer in my pint glass sloshing out the side. “You’ve got to be joking.”

“Methinks the man doth protesteth too much,” Alex stated, his tone gleeful.

“That’s not how that quote goes—never mind,” I muttered.

Alex stared at me, curiosity in his eyes. “I’ve known you what, almost ten years now? Since we were at uni together? You’ve never let anyone get under your skin before; you normally have no trouble charming women, and you don’t make enemies, that I know of. Hence, my humble conclusion that you want her. There’s no other reason that makes sense, mate. I liked her straight away.”

“Ha. You like any woman that gives you the time of day.”