Avery: Sorry Liv. The perfect man’s out there somewhere. Maybe closer than you think ;)

Me: Ha. Don’t be sorry! I’m happy as I am. If something happens, it happens, but I’m in no rush.

Avery: What about Luke?

I choked on my wine.

Me: Luke, as in DAVENPORT?! Are you INSANE?!

Avery: Probably. I think he likes you.

Me: Aves he absolutely does NOT.

I shook my head incredulously, my fingers flying over my phone keypad.

Me: Seriously are you drunk?

Avery: I’ve had half a glass of wine. Just saying what I think.

Avery: And I think you like him too.

Me: Well you think wrong. SO wrong. And I don’t want to hear any more about him OK?

Avery: Sorry. Didn’t mean to upset you. I won’t mention it again, promise. Love you.

Me: Love you. Enough silly talk.

Avery: Sorry again Liv. Didn’t want to upset you. Call me tomorrow.

Me: Will do. It’s OK, no need to be sorry. As long as you never speak of it again we’re good. Night x

Avery: Deal. Night xx

Still shaking my head in disbelief, I put my phone down, topped up my wine, and resumed the next episode.

I sighed, my quiet exhale swallowed by the noise of the TV. I’d told Avery the truth when I’d said I was happy as I was. It would be nice to have someone, though. Someone who gave me butterflies, someone who shared the same interests as me, someone with fire and passion. Was that too much to ask? Who knew? Maybe I’d been watching too many romance movies.

I crunched on a tortilla

chip and focused on Tommy Shelby’s troubles. My phone buzzed again, as I was getting to a dramatic part of the episode.

Argh. That was it. My phone was going on silent after I replied to this message.

Unknown: Enjoy your date with Alex?

I peered at the number in suspicion and scrolled back through my call history. Luke Davenport. Great. I sighed and saved his number under “A-hole” (pretty self-explanatory, I thought).

Me: Why are you bugging me Davenport? Don’t you have some small animals to sacrifice?

A-hole: Ha-fucking-ha. Morbid curiosity?

I thought hard. I typed and deleted sentences but couldn’t find the right words.

A-hole: I can see the three dots you know. Just spit it out.

Me: Whatever. It was good. He’s nice. Just not for me.

A-hole: Hardly surprising Payne.