I frowned in confusion. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d assume Ethan must’ve mentioned me; there was no way Luke would’ve spoken about me—not voluntarily, anyway.

“Yes. This is Payne. Payne, meet Alex,” Luke muttered grudgingly.

Incredulity and amusement warred on Alex’s face. “Come closer, darlin’,” he beckoned. “Sit with me.”

Pulling my bag from my shoulder with a sigh of relief, I slid into the booth next to him and leaned against the worn wooden back, dropping my bag at my side. Luke was seated on a chair across the table from us, thank goodness, arms folded across his chest, sultry mouth downturned.

Alex slung a huge arm around my shoulders. “Olivia Payne.” He tutted, shaking his head. “Our boy did not do you justice. I was expecting a haggard, bitter shrew from the way he talks about you, but you’re a little beauty, aren’t you? Please tell me you’re single.” He winked.

I laughed and gave a mock shudder. “I can only imagine what he must have said about me. Your friend is not my biggest fan.”

Alex snorted with laughter. “That’s an understatement if I ever heard one. Don’t worry, Ethan and Avery rave about you, so I take Luke’s comments with a pinch of salt. So, single: yes or no?”

He was certainly persistent. “Yes, I am single.” I hesitated. “Why?” A small smile played across my face as he turned the full force of his megawatt grin on me, dimples and everything.

“Babe, this is the best news I’ve heard all day. I think you and me should go out. What do you say?”

“I’ll think about it.”

Across the table, Luke glared daggers at us both. His glower took me straight back to the first time I’d laid eyes on him: the day I began working at Barrett London as a digital marketer.

Ethan walked me around the spacious office, introducing me to the team. We stopped at Luke’s desk.

“Luke? I’d like you to meet our newest member of staff, Olivia Payne.”

He pushed back his chair and stood, close enough that I had to tip my head back to meet his gaze. With artfully styled, dark brown hair, his tall, lean body covered in a tailored grey suit that stretched across his muscular frame as if it had been custom-made, he oozed raw, male sex appeal from every pore. I drank in the chiselled lines of his gorgeous face, and when I stared into his bright green eyes, my heart skipped a beat and my cheeks grew warm under his scrutiny.

“It’s a pleasure,” he murmured, his voice a husky drawl that sent shivers through me.

“H-hi,” I stammered, trying to seem unaffected by his presence.

We were both directed into the conference room, where Ethan asked Luke to show me the ropes and start me working on his current project—setting up social media marketing for a boutique furniture retailer.

His seductive emerald gaze replaced with an icy glare, Luke spoke low and furiously. “I’m not a fucking babysitter, Ethan. Find someone else to hold the newbie’s hand.”

I jolted out of my memories when Ethan slid a large glass of wine across the table to me.

“Sorry, guys. There was a big wait at the bar.”

Taking a grateful sip, I savoured the dry, crisp taste. “Mmm, thanks. This is exactly what I needed.”

“Cheers, mate.” Alex removed his arm from my shoulder and clinked his pint glass against Ethan’s.

“Cheers. I see you’ve met Olivia,” Ethan said to him. “About time, too. Olivia’s one of the brightest stars at Barrett London, not to mention my girlfriend’s best friend.”

I blushed at Ethan’s compliment.

“I was just saying that Luke didn’t do her justice.” Alex smirked.

Ethan rolled his eyes. “Don’t get them started, I beg you. I have to put up with their bickering on a daily basis.”

Alex laughed and took a large slurp of his Coke.

Something was niggling at the back of my mind as I eyed him over the rim of my wine glass. “Hang on a minute. Alex? As in, Alex Bryan, London Hawks rugby player?” I fired at him.

“The one and only.” He mimed a bow, smirking at me.

“Of course, I know who you are.” I slapped my forehead mentally. “Sorry, it took me a moment to put two and two together, but Eth and Avery talk about you a lot. I’m surprised we haven’t met sooner.” I studied the huge, good-looking man next to me.