My heart skipped a beat. I threw my arms around his neck, butterflies going mad inside me at his words. I loved that he was finally starting to open up to me and actually tell me how he was feeling, instead of keeping it inside. “I’ll never get tired of you saying those words to me.”

I suddenly noticed the silence that had fallen over the room, and I pulled away from my boyfriend to look at the others.

“So, King Caiden has a heart, after all,” Cassius smirked. “Who would’ve thought it?”

“Leave them alone,” Weston said, giving him a warning glare. “I’m happy for you both.”

“Seriously, guys.” I didn’t miss how Caiden had gone all stiff and uncomfortable next to me. “Cade, you wanna get the pizza menus?”

He squeezed my hand, then got up, sauntering out of the room all casually, acting like it was no big deal that he’d told me he loved me in front of everyone. Was it the same for him as it was for me? Did everything else fade away, and I was the only thing he saw? He commanded my entire focus every time he turned the full force of his stormy gaze on me, every time he kissed me.

“When did this happen?” Cassius leaned forwards, propping his chin on his hands, his issues with Lena temporarily forgotten.

“That’s between me and him, thanks. And don’t go on about it in front of him. You know he doesn’t like it.”

“Sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to.”

“Sure you didn’t.” I rolled my eyes but softened the gesture with a smile. “It’s okay. I know you don’t mean anything by it.”

“This has been fun and all, but I have things to do. I brought my homework with me,” Lena interjected. “While I’m waiting to hear from someone, and before the pizza comes, I’m going to make a start on it.” She jumped up and headed out of the room.

Weston stood, stretching. “Guess I’ll go and see if Mercury has sent me the stuff on Andromeda.” He followed Lena out, leaving me and Cassius.

Cassius sat back in his chair with a heavy sigh, closing his eyes.

“Cass? What’s up?” I scooted over to the end of the sofa so I was next to him.

“Trying to get my head around my sister being possibly—no, definitely—involved in some shady shit. I’m gonna have to get Mum and Dad involved if she’s putting herself in danger.”

“Lena can handle herself. You have to let her make her own decisions. Her own mistakes.” I put my hand on his arm. “I know you’re her brother, and you want to protect her and look out for her, but if you’re not careful, you’ll end up pushing her away.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he muttered.

“Give her time. You want to tell me your code name ideas while we’re waiting?” I suggested.

His expression brightened. “I have a list.”

“Let me see.”


Fuck. Everything was moving too fast. I’d been blindsided by the bombshell about Allan, my girlfriend had put herself in danger, again, and the whole haze of anger followed by Winter telling me she loved me… My head was spinning.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge, popping the top, then opened the sliding doors that led out onto the deck. After flipping on the outdoor lights, I sank into one of the outdoor chairs. Balancing my beer bottle on the arm of the chair, I sat, thinking.

What the fuck were we supposed to do? How could we talk to Allan without Christine getting wind of it?

I clenched and unclenched my fists. I fucking hated being out of control, and right from the start, this whole situation had been a total loss of control.

The door opened and I looked up to see my brother staring at me hesitantly. “Uh, you got a minute? Mercury’s sending me some stuff, but I wanted to talk to you while I was waiting.”

I inclined my head towards the chair next to me, and he sank into it, his own beer bottle in hand. Taking a swig, he paused for a moment before he spoke, both of us facing forwards.

“This whole thing is so fucked up, huh?”

“Yeah. You could say that.” I glanced over at my brother.

“Do you think Dad’s involved?” He bit his lip.