My words died away as he reached out and cupped my jaw, stroking his thumb over my pulse point. “No one compares to you, Snowflake. And that brings me on to my final fact. You’d better not forget this one.”

“What is it?”

“You’re. Fucking. Mine,” he growled against my lips, then gave me a quick, hard kiss before I had a chance to even react to his words. He stalked away from me, swiping his drink bottle from the counter, and disappeared out of the kitchen.

I slumped back against the island on shaky legs, a smile spreading across my face.

Glad we were on the same page.

“Winter!” I spun around at the shout, seeing Weston jogging across the quad, and stopped, waiting for him, before I headed into the Student Union building with Kinslee.

“He’s so hot,” Kinslee muttered under her breath, her eyes raking over him as he drew closer. “I wish he wanted a repeat of our night together.”

“Does he know you want a repeat?” I kept my voice low.

“Yes, but he’s made it clear it won’t happen.” She clamped her mouth shut as he reached us, an easy grin on his lips, and I made a mental note to speak to her later. As far as I was aware, she wasn’t seriously interested in him, but in her words, he was the best dick she’d ever had.

And that was a thought I didn’t particularly want in my head, now he felt like my brother, and I knew he viewed me as a sister. Weird, really, since my relationship with Cade was almost the complete opposite.

I shook off my thoughts, realising Weston was speaking to me. “You ready for me to kick your ass at pool?”

“You think you can beat me?” I returned his grin.

“I’ll catch up with you both later.” Kinslee turned towards the cafeteria door.

Weston stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you both.”

We both stared at him apprehensively. “Yes, I can spare a few minutes. What’s up?”

“Come down to the bar.” He let go of her arm, shoving his hands in the pockets of his slate-grey Alstone College hoodie and heading for the stairs leading down to the basement bar.

Once we were seated next to the pool table, he leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the metal table in front of us. He sighed. “It’s about the winter ball. Kins, you can’t go as Cade’s date anymore. Dad’s put his foot down, and he’s arranged a date for Caiden. Some fucking shit about a huge business deal, and there’s no way he can get out of it.”

“What?” Kinslee and I exchanged glances.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. We both tried to talk him out of it, but he couldn’t be swayed. Z’s been dragged into it, too. Can’t fuck up their deal.” He deepened his voice, doing a scarily accurate impression of Arlo Cavendish. “This is our legacy, and your future. I’m depending on you to do the right thing.”

“Don’t worry about me.” Kinslee leaned back in her chair. “I may not be one of the elite, but I can try to work something out, if you want me to be there.”

“If you can, you know I’d love you there.”

“I’ll see what I can do. If I can’t make it, you know the Four have your back.” She nodded her head towards Weston, before standing up and swinging her bag onto her shoulder. “Don’t stress. I’ve got to go now, otherwise I won’t have time to eat before my next lecture.”

We waved her off, and I turned back to West, asking him the question that I didn’t want the answer to. “Who’s Caiden’s date? Please don’t tell me it’s Portia.”

The grimace that appeared on his face told me I wasn’t going to like his answer. “Jessa.”

Jessa De Witt. Hot jealousy raged through me at the memory of her sneering, triumphant face, watching me as Cade fondled her tits, right before he pulled me off Cassius and dragged me upstairs and… The jealousy melted away as I remembered his heated kisses, the way he’d relentlessly fucked me, bringing me to the most powerful orgasm of my life…

“Winter? Are you okay?” My eyes snapped to Weston’s, and I scrubbed my hand over my flushed face, trying to focus.

“I’m fine. I won’t lie and say that the thought of Cade with her makes me want to poke out my own eyeballs so I don’t have to see her, but I will suck it up and deal with it. I have no doubt that she’ll try to rub it in my face every chance she gets, but I’m hoping Cade—” I groaned. “Who am I kidding? It’s going to be fucking torture. Who’s Zayde going with?”


I laughed. “I don’t know if I feel more sorry for him, or for her. I bet neither o

f them wanted to go together, did they?”