I blinked my eyes open, wincing at the bright light.

Everything hurt.

I slipped back into the darkness.

“Water.” I croaked the word, my voice hoarse and cracked from disuse. I squinted, the room slowly coming into focus.

“Winter.” Kinslee leaned into me, her amber eyes full of concern.

“Hi,” I whispered.

She stared at me, relief clear in her gaze. “How are you feeling?” She handed me a paper cup brimming with cool liquid, and I eagerly gulped it down, letting it soothe my parched throat.

“Okay. I think.” I continued to whisper, still weak and in pain. Fuck, my head hurt, so much.

My eyes were drawn to a chair in the corner of the room, a familiar presence dominating the space, despite him being asleep.

“He’s been here almost the whole time. Ever since I called him. The others brought him a change of clothes and whatever, but he’s barely left your side, except when he’s been forced to.”

My stomach flipped. He’d stayed with me?

“All of the Four have been here, on and off.” Kinslee’s eyes sparkled. “Your room is incredibly popular with the nurses.”

“I can’t imagine why,” I managed to husk out.

I groaned, the pain overtaking me again, spots dancing in front of my eyes. The blackness pulled me under.

The next time I woke up, I felt almost normal, other than the pounding pain in my skull and a throbbing in my cheek. The first thing I saw was Caiden. His head rested on my bed, his thick, raven hair close to my fingertips. I stretched out my hand, running it through the soft strands. Was I dreaming?

His head shot up from the bed.


“Yes.” I breathed out the word, attempting to pull him closer to me, with whatever amount of strength I had left.

“Fuck.” His voice cracked, and he gathered me in his arms, so carefully it made me catch my breath. What was going on?

I was surrounded by him. All powerful male, his presence strong and reassuring. He kissed my head softly, his arms tightening around me.


This wasn’t Caiden. He didn’t act like this.

I must be dreaming.

I let oblivion overtake me.

“So, how long have you worked here?”

I awoke, completely conscious, my mind more or less clear. Kinslee was seated on a plastic chair next to me, her eyes on a good-looking male nurse who was checking the clear bag that was connected to my arm by a long tube.

“Morning,” I croaked, and both their heads snapped round to me. I smirked at the identical expressions of shock on their faces.

“You’re awake. I’ll get the doctor,” the nurse mumbled, rushing out of the room.

“Kins? What’s going on?”