Making my way over to Weston, I dropped into the chair next to him, accepting the glass of wine Allan handed to me. We both sat in silence for the most part, lost in our own thoughts. There was a weird, unsettled feeling in the air, which had been there ever since New Year’s Eve. It seemed like everyone was on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

We were all wary of Joseph, unsure of his game plan—but he seemed to have stayed quiet for the most part. Weston was constantly tracking my mother’s and Arlo’s cars. Frustratingly, there was still nothing out of the ordinary, not that they’d been back long from their ski trip.

What I couldn’t work out was how everything was connected. It couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? I couldn’t help feeling I was missing an essential piece of the puzzle.

Sitting upright, unable to relax, I slowly sipped my wine, grimacing at the taste.

Weston glanced over at me with a short laugh. “Not a fan of wine?”

“Not really.” I swirled the liquid around in the crystal glass. “Not of this particular wine, anyway—it’s giving me a headache. I’ll drink it to be polite, but I’d rather have Prosecco or champagne, if anything.”

He craned his neck to look over at the tray with the bottles Allan had poured my wine from. “Just an FYI—that wine’s something like five hundred quid a bottle.”

“What?” I screeched, then instantly lowered my voice when several heads turned to look at me. “That’s insane! I could buy, I dunno, a laptop or something for that.”

He just shook his head at me, laughing, as I stared at him with my mouth hanging open.

“Something funny?” We both looked up, and Caiden was standing there, the corners of his mouth tipped up in amusement, his brows raised.

“Nah, just shocking your girlfriend with the cost of the wine she’s drinking.” West smirked at him, and his amused smile turned into a full-on grin, teeth and everything.

“My girlfriend,” he repeated slowly, his grin widening. “Think you’ve had enough shocks for one week, haven’t you, Snowflake?”

“Um, yeah,” I mumbled, my mouth suddenly dry with the look he was now giving me.

“Both of you, come with me.” His head cocked, he stared down at me, the grin still on his face, and without another thought I was on my feet, dragging Weston up with me, and we were following him out of the room.

He led us down the corridor to the small study we’d normally end up in and turned to West. “Do me a favour, will ya, bro? Go and hang out somewhere the others won’t see you for a bit, so it looks like we’re all together.”

Weston huffed. “Fine, if I must. How long do you need?”

Caiden’s gaze raked over me, the heat in his eyes lighting the fire within me that burned only for him. “We’ll have to be quick. I’ll text you when we’re done.”

“Alright. But you owe me, don’t forget that.”

“Yeah, yeah. When you get a girlfriend of your own, I’ll repay the favour.” Cade waved him off.

“Doubtful that I’ll be getting a girlfriend anytime soon, but you still owe me.” He slipped out of the room, and Cade locked the door behind him.

“Now, where were we?” He grabbed my hand and tugged me over to the polished sideboard under the window. “Right…stay there.”

I stared at him, confused, as he crossed to the sofa and sat back, all casual and sexy, his legs kicked out in front of him. “What are we doing?”

His voice lowered to a rasp that went straight through me. “We’re doing our first kiss again. But this time, we’re going to continue doing what we should have done the first time, but I was too fucking blind to see what was right in front of me.” His tongue darted out to lick his lips, and his lashes lowered as he curled his finger, beckoning me towards him.

Fuck me.

“Um…pretty sure you weren’t the only blind one back then,” I stuttered, rooted in place.

“Yeah, so this is our do-over. Now, come here, Snowflake.”

“Are we doing it exactly the same way as before? Because I was really angry then. I can try and act angry—”

“As long as it starts with your mouth on mine and ends with you riding my dick, I don’t give a fuck. Now get over here.”

His words were the trigger I needed, and I practically leapt on him, fusing our mouths together, our kisses heady and biting, my arms wrapping around his neck as he gripped my hips, groaning into my mouth as I rolled my body against his.

He pushed my skirt up so it was bunched around my waist, and I ground myself against him, my underwear soaked. His heart was racing just as fast as mine as we devoured each other, hungry and desperate. “I need you inside me, now,” I moaned, panting, tugging on his hair as he left bites down my neck, his hand moving between us to unzip his trousers, shifting me on him so his cock could spring free. Fumbling in his pocket, he grabbed a condom, rolling it on, then roughly shoved my underwear aside. I moaned as my pussy slid over his hardness, coating his cock in my arousal.