
My well-placed punch to his jaw sent his head swinging round, and he was on the floor before I knew it. Fucking pussy. “Get up.”

He gasped, scrambling into a sitting position, his mask askew. “Please. Don’t do this. Winter wouldn’t like it.”

His words gave me fucking pause, piercing through my rage. What would she think? I stared down at him on the floor, torn between my need to exact revenge, and the knowledge that he was most likely right.

For fuck’s sake.

I kicked out at the wall next to his head, hard, sending a shower of plaster raining down on the floor and making him flinch, then stalked towards the door, swiping my jacket from the floor, and leaving him cowering behind me.

“Cade?” Winter’s voice was hesitant.

I blinked, coming back to the present and the girl I had in my arms.

Seeing her tonight? I’d been fucking speechless. It wasn’t even the dress—it was her. Everything had slammed into place, and all I wanted was to go to her, to let everyone know she was mine. It had been torture keeping my distance and having to entertain Jessa. After I’d confronted Granville, I’d talked Z into taking her and Portia back to our place for the after-party we’d planned, right before I saw Winter slipping out of the ballroom, and I owed him, big time. I’d made it clear to Cass that I’d be coming after Winter and he could leave. The ball would be over soon enough; as far as I was concerned, I’d done my duty, and now my only concern was my girl.

Keeping my arms around her, I walked us out of the doors and over to the side of the building. I spun her in my arms, then let go, reaching up to undo my mask. She did the same, her hands trembling, and I took her mask, placing it with mine on the stone ledge next to us.

“Shouldn’t you be with Jessa?” Her mouth turned downwards, and all I wanted to do was kiss her pouty lips and make her smile again, but I had things I needed to say.

I crowded her up against the wall, leaning in and running my nose up her jaw to her ear. I ignored her question and instead asked one of my own.

“Guess what?”

She shivered. “W-what?”

I trailed my hand up her bare arm, up to her throat, brushing my thumb over her pulse point.

“I realised I trust you.”

She inhaled sharply.

“I saw you with Granville, earlier.” I hissed out the words, unable to hide my distaste for him. “I can’t stand that slimy prick, but seeing you with him, the only thing I felt was fucking jealous that he got to speak to you, and I didn’t.”

I nipped at her earlobe, and she trembled again. “I trust you,” I repeated, hoping she could hear that I really fucking meant it.

“Took you long enough,” she murmured, the corners of her mouth turning up, and I could feel a smile tugging at my own lips. Bringing my other hand up, I cupped the back of her neck, my fingers tangling in her soft hair.

“I’ve got another question for you.” I drew my head back, just enough that I could see her eyes. “Do you still want to be just friends?”

“I don’t want to be your friend,” she whispered, holding my gaze. “I never wanted that.”

“One last question, and I already know the answer to this.”

“Someone’s confident.” She raised a brow at me, biting her lip to hide her smile.

“We’re no longer friends. You’re mine, okay?”

“Fuck, yes. That wasn’t really a question, by the way.”

“You’re mine, Snowflake,” I growled, reiterating my words, and then I couldn’t hold back any longer. I slammed my lips down on hers, and she opened her mouth for me, pulling me even closer, her tongue sliding against mine. It was like her kiss set off a chain reaction straight to my dick, and I ground myself into her. Fuck, I’d missed this. I’d missed her.

“Cade,” she whimpered. “Please tell me we can leave.”

“We’re leaving, right now.” Before I get fucking carried away and do something stupid like claiming you by fucking you right here so everyone can see you’re mine.

Not that it could be that simple. For a start, I’d been driven to the ball, along with Zayde, Portia, and Jessa, so we’d have to get a cab back to the house, which would be full of people for the after-party.