I couldn’t reply.

I just let him lead me deeper into the crowd, away from the one person I wanted to be with, but couldn’t be.

“Listen. I know it’s hard, yeah? But remember our goal. Make Granville think you’re not interested in Caiden, try and get him to drop his guard so we can get some answers. And try not to kill Jessa.”

I gritted my teeth. “Where is she, anyway?”

“I dunno, she had to go with Portia to the bathroom or some shit. Come on, let’s get a drink, then we’ll see if we can spot Granville. All these bloody masks make it ten times harder, but thanks to my skills, I found out he’s wearing this one.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and showed me an image from James’ social media account, posted earlier, showing him with his arm around a brunette in a red dress (from what I could see of it, anyway) who was blowing a kiss at the camera, both of them wearing gold Venetian-style masks.

“Okay, let’s do this.” I scanned the crowds as we walked, taking the glass of champagne Cassius grabbed from a passing waiter. “Shall we dance once we’ve finished our drinks? The dance floor is a bit clearer—we might be able to see better.”

“Yeah, good idea.”

On the dance floor, I let Cassius tug me closer. “Cade was right. You do look beautiful. He’s a lucky fucker.” He paused. “Or he will be, when he gets his shit together.” His eyes travelled down my body. “Your tits look fucking phenomenal in that dress. Just saying.”

“Cass, please,” I groaned, but I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my lips. I shook my head at him. “As much as I should comment on what you just said… Never change.”

He grinned widely, giving me a wink from behind his mask, and we moved across the dance floor in time to the music.

“Winter!” I spun in Cassius’ arms at the sound of Weston’s voice, and then I was in his arms. He kissed my cheek, then drew back to look at me. “Wow. Has Cade seen you, yet?”

I nodded, my mouth twisting.

“Sorry, sis. I know it’s hard to be here.

If it’s any consolation, it’s just as hard for him. Y’know?”

“I know. I just hate it. I wish we were together. I haven’t even seen him with Jessa yet.”

“That girl has got nothing on you.” A quiet but firm voice came from near my ear, and I glanced away from Weston to see Lena standing next to him. Unlike the last (and only) time I’d seen her, she didn’t have a sulky pout on her face. Her blonde hair was curled, like mine, and although she still had masses of black eyeliner rimming her eyes, with her black, feathered mask, the whole effect was striking. She had on a long, black, off-the-shoulder floor-length prom dress, fairly modest and not what I would have expected, going by the last time I’d seen her.

She must’ve read my thoughts, because she sighed and rolled her eyes, gesturing at herself with black-painted nails. “My mother picked out this dress. I got to choose the colour, and the mask, but that was it.”

“Oh. I wasn’t judging, by the way.” I cleared my throat and met her eyes. “To be honest, I was thinking that it didn’t seem like something you’d pick. Not that I know you. In fact, I don’t think we were ever properly introduced.”

“You’re right. I wouldn’t have picked this.” She gave me a wry smile. “I’m Lena. Aka the moody bitch, according to my brother.”

Cassius laughed. “Not wrong, though, am I?”

“Cass.” Weston frowned at him. Or at least, I think he did. It was hard to tell with the mask he was wearing.

“I’m Winter.” I jumped in before Cassius could make the situation any worse.

“I know. Love your tatts by the way. I wanted to tell you at the other party, but I wasn’t in the best mood. No offence, but your mother’s parties are boring as fuck. I’d have more fun at a funeral.”

A surprised laugh burst out of me. “You and me both.” I turned to Cassius. “Why don’t you invite Lena over sometime?”

He pulled a face. “Why would I want my annoying sister hanging around?”

I punched him in the arm.

“I like her.” Lena grinned at him.

“Fuck me, Lena’s proper smiling. It’s a miracle.” Cassius staggered backwards with an exaggerated gasp.

“You wanna dance? Or get a drink?” Weston murmured to her, shooting Cassius a glare.

“Can we get some air?” She looked up at him, and his gaze softened as he turned away from Cassius and met her eyes.