“This is new.” The stranger pushed back his hood enough to expose his features. My eyes flew to his—glittering, almost golden in colour and framed with thick lashes, popping against his rich bronze skin. A small scar ran across his left cheekbone, although I barely noticed it, his bright gaze holding me captive.

As I studied him, his lips curved into a grin, softening his harsh features. “Z never brought a girl before. You must be the one causing all the trouble, I take it?”

I returned his grin with a wry smile. “Yeah, you could say that. I’m Winter, Winter Huntington.”

“Creed.” He clasped my hand briefly, then stepped away. “I’ve got news for you.”

Who was he? My g

aze darted between him and Zayde, but I kept my mouth shut as he continued.

“We couldn’t ID the body, but we have this.” He handed Zayde a clear Ziploc bag, which he quickly pocketed, but not before I saw a flash of red and the gleam of something metallic inside. “My boys have been keeping eyes on the docks, but security’s been stepped up since the guard went missing. As far as we know, no one knows you were there, and I suggest you keep it that way. Lay low for a while, yeah?”

Zayde nodded once. “Cheers. Appreciate it.”

Creed inclined his head, then started backing towards his car. “We’ll be in touch if we find anything else.” He called to me as he reached his door. “Winter. Pleasure to meet you.”

I gave him an awkward wave/salute thing, mentally rolling my eyes at myself, then turned back to Caiden’s R8. Once we were both settled in our seats, Zayde powered up the engine, and we left the car park behind, speeding along the darkening roads, back towards Alstone.

“House meeting in five.” Cassius poked his head around the door frame of the kitchen, where I was finishing up my assignment, perched on a stool at the island, Spotify playing softly in the background.

“House meeting?”

Cassius nodded. “Yeah, Got to divide up the chores.”

“What?” I stared at him, confused.

“Not really. We pay people to do the chores. All the cleaning shit, anyway.” He gave me a cheeky grin, and I was reminded of how different our lives were. Or not, I guess, since I now lived here for the foreseeable future.

“I’m always happy to do my share of everything. You know that.” Swinging myself off the stool, I picked up my glass of water, ready to head into the lounge.

“Yeah, I know. I’m only fucking with you.” Cassius watched as I came to a halt in front of him, then pulled me into a hug, sending my water sloshing out of the side of my glass and onto his bare chest. “Fuck, that’s cold.” He shivered, laughing and pulling me closer, rubbing his torso into me so my top soaked up the droplets.

“Thanks for that.” I rolled my eyes. “You know, you could consider wearing a T-shirt or something.”

“Nah, I wouldn’t want to deprive anyone the pleasure of seeing this body.” He flexed his pecs, making me laugh, then tugged me towards the lounge, keeping me tucked under his arm. We entered the room, still laughing, and I came to a sudden stop when I saw Caiden sitting on the sofa, staring at us. His face was impassive, but I could see the tight set of his jaw and his stiff posture. Swallowing hard, I ducked under Cassius’ arm and crossed over to Caiden, throwing myself down next to him.

Things between us since the whole conversation where we decided to take a step back and just be friends had been…not awkward, exactly, but we were pretty much tiptoeing around each other, on our best behaviour. Okay, yeah, it was totally awkward. And so difficult. I couldn’t magically turn off my feelings, and all I wanted was to be with him. The rest of the Four, and Kinslee, had been given a heads-up, but it was obvious to me that they didn’t take it seriously. They were still pretty much acting like we were together—well, acting like they were waiting for us to get back together, at least. Okay, I was waiting and hoping for the same thing to happen.

Sitting next to him now, his thigh pressed against mine, sent shivers up and down my body, my breath growing shallow as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

“I fucking hate this,” he rasped.

“Me too.” My voice was the barest whisper as I turned to look at him. “I just—I need to know you trust me.”

He bent his head closer to mine, his breath skating across my lips. “I know.” It would have been so easy to lean forwards and kiss him. Was I making a mistake in saying we should just be friends? Should I try to provoke him into action?

Before I could lose myself in my own head, Caiden was moving away from me, leaning back against the sofa and closing his eyes. I slumped back, still next to him, but the distance between us felt huge.

Pulling on a hoodie, Cassius came to stand in front of me. With a gleam in his eye, he tugged the hood up over his head and put on a deep, sinister voice. “We’re gathered here today to initiate you, Winter Huntington, into the cult of—”

“Cass? Shut the fuck up.” Caiden rolled his eyes, and Cassius smirked at him, pulling his hood back down.

“Chill, mate. I’m just fucking around while we wait for Z. Where is he, anyway?” he muttered, as Weston entered the room, Kinslee following behind him. “West? Have you seen— Never mind.” Zayde appeared in the doorway, holding a tray in his hands.

“What the fuck are you meant to be? The butler?” Cassius eyed him.

“Shut up, dickhead.” Weston cuffed him round the back of the head.