“I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed my forehead, pulling me closer. “We need to talk when you’re up to it.” His voice was soft, but I could hear the intent and meaning in his tone.

I sighed. “I know.”

Sleep pulled me under.


When I woke, the sun was high in the sky, streaming through the window. I turned my head to see Caiden sitting up against the headboard, engrossed in whatever he was doing on his phone.


His head shot up and he met my gaze, his lips tipping up into a small smile. “Feeling better?”

“I think so.” The pain had dulled to a low ache, nothing that couldn’t be fixed by the painkillers the hospital pharmacy had provided me with when I’d been discharged.

Pulling myself into a seated position, I turned to face him. “Look, I know we have things to discuss. I also need someone to fill in the blanks for me—how I ended up in hospital, and…” My voice trailed off at the sound of pounding footsteps, and suddenly the door was thrown open and Weston was barrelling towards me, pulling me up and off the bed and into his arms.

“Winter,” he ground out thickly, holding me so tightly I was in danger of asphyxiation. He rained kisses down on my head, and I smiled against his chest even as I struggled to get air into my lungs.

“West,” I mumbled, tapping on his back, and he drew back from me, his teal-blue eyes full of emotion, meeting mine. “Thanks. I couldn’t breathe.” I smiled to let him know I was joking, and he returned my smile.

“Are you okay? How’s your head? Your bruise looks loads better today.”

Better? How bad did it look before? “I’m fine,” I reassured him. “Nothing that a couple of painkillers won’t sort out.”

“Good.” Giving me a final squeeze, he released me, and Caiden stood, sliding his arm around my waist.

“You wanna talk to everyone at the same time so we only have to go through this once?”

I nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’m dying for a shower first, though. My hair is gross.”

“We’ll wait here, in case you need anything. Keep the door unlocked,” Caiden told me, walking me over to the bathroom door as if I couldn’t walk there myself. “Or I can come in and help?”

I laughed. “I’m fine. I’ll be quick.”

Feeling much fresher after my shower, my hair finally clean again, I rejoined Caiden and Weston in the bedroom, and together, the three of us made our way downstairs into the kitchen, where Kinslee, Zayde, and Cassius waited.

Weston crossed to the table, and Caiden sauntered over to the fridge, pulling out a can of Coke. He turned to me, raising a questioning brow, and I nodded, and he reached in to grab another can for me.

Kinslee flashed me a quick smile from her seat at the table, and Cassius moved from where he leaned against the large black marble island, to draw me into a hug. “Good to see you up and about.”

“Thanks. For the lift from the hospital, too.”

“That’s what friends are for, babe.” He kissed the top of my head, then let me go, crossing over to the kitchen table, where he sank into a chair next to Weston.

Zayde remained where he was, next to the island, his sharp gaze assessing me. I bit my lip, uncomfortable with his stare, but forced myself to hold his gaze. After the longest thirty seconds of my life, our silent stare-off ended as I blinked, and a smirk played across his full lips. “Good to see you in one piece.” He stepped towards me and leaned down to kiss my non-bruised cheek, his stubble grazing my skin.

I gaped at him, and then my attention was diverted by a glint of silver. “You got another piercing?” I was positive I hadn’t seen the small stud in the… “What’s that bit of your ear called?”

“Helix.” He stared at me for a moment, then leaned closer, his voice low, the words sounding like they’d been dragged out of him. “I had to do something.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, mystified, but he’d already drawn away, striding quickly around the table as if he had to put as much distance between us as possible. Shaking my head, I chalked it up to another one of the many things I didn’t understand about him and made my way to join the others. I sank down into a chair next to Caiden, and he handed me my can of Coke. Opening it, I took a large swig, savouring the cool, sweet fizz as it slid down my throat, then placing the can back on the table, I looked around at the Four and Kinslee.

I needed to know what had happened to me. The last thing I remembered before waking up in hospital was being pull

ed back as I tried to escape. I chewed my lip, my heart racing as everything came flooding back to me once more—the darkness, the fear, and the sudden rush of pain before I became completely numb.

Gripping the sides of my chair, the smooth, solid wood under my fingers bringing me back to the present, I slowed my breathing, doing my trick of counting to ten silently. Once I’d gathered myself and was sure my voice would remain steady, I spoke. “Who wants to be the first to fill me in?”