“I’m gonna run those photos through the software now,” Weston announced. “If I have no luck I’ll have to get in touch with my contact, but that could mean it takes a few days. I’m also waiting on another contact who’s going to hook us up with some amazing tech. Once that’s here, I’ll get everyone together to go through it.” He picked up his phone. “In the meantime, I need everyone to use the app I installed on your phones. It means we can track each other with GPS through a secure connection that only the five of us can access. Can’t be too careful.”

“And I’ll pay a visit to my parents today, work more on getting Dad onside for getting into the club early,” Cassius promised.

Zayde looked at me. “I’m going to meet with an old friend.”

“Are you going to elaborate on that?” I raised a brow.

“He knows people. Shady people.”


Cassius spoke up. “Everyone clear on what’s happening?” No one spoke. “Good. Think we’re done here. I’m off to my parents’, then.” He stood and headed out of the room, Zayde following. I heard the front door slam shut behind them, and I was left with Caiden and Weston.

“I’ll be in the computer room if you need me,” Weston announced, getting to his feet and stretching. He padded out. Just me and Caiden left.

I suddenly felt awkward, remembering Caiden’s earlier comment to Cassius about having plans later today. He was probably waiting for me to leave. “Um… I’m…going to take my bag upstairs and change into something else.”

Practically running out of the lounge, I made my way up the stairs towards the guest room, stopping to grab my bag, which I’d left in the hallway.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I turned in the doorway of the guest room at Caiden’s voice.

“I thought you said this morning you had other plans for later.”

He took a step closer. “Yeah. I do. Your mouth, and my dick, Snowflake.”

“Caiden!” My cheeks heated.

He smirked at me, his usually stormy eyes gleaming with amusement. “I seem to remember you saying yesterday, and I quote, ‘I really want to suck your cock.’”

Oh, yeah. I did say that.

“And you owe me. Big time.”

“For what?”

“Earlier. The hotel.” He flashed me a savage grin, and I gulped, suddenly nervous.


He took another step towards me. Then another.

Then he lunged for me. I squealed and darted into the room, dropping my bag and slamming the door in his face.

He kicke

d the door open with a loud crash and prowled towards me with intent, and I raced around the bed.

“Why are you running from me?” His voice was curious, his lips tipped up at the corners.

Fuck, he was sexy.

“Because it’s fun?” I shrugged, a smile curving over my own lips.

“You can’t escape, you know.”

He vaulted onto the bed and over the other side, scooping me up in his arms. I put up a token struggle, but I couldn’t really resist him.