“Yeah. I’ve always thought he was hot, but he wasn’t my type. At all. Then, I don’t know, something about him tonight, all dressed down for a change, and the atmosphere and everything…he caught me in the game we played while you were busy with Caiden… Ugh, maybe it was the cocktails we drank before we turned up—”

“Kins. You really don’t need to worry. I have no problem with it. I slept with him like one time, and we had zero chemistry. We’re purely platonic friends now. Well, we were until Cade and Z threatened him.” I rolled my eyes, although, inside, now Cade had admitted he wanted me, I kind of liked that he’d done that.

Not that I’d ever admit it to him.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. Just stay away from Cade, and we’re all good.” I smirked at her.

“Ha ha. Everyone knows that he’s yours. Even his fangirl groupies. Why do you think they try so hard to get his attention when you’re around?”

“Because he’s fucking hot? And one of the four most influential people on campus?”

“Well, there is that, too.” She grinned. “But back to James. There won’t be a repeat, I can promise you that. The more I think about it, the more I think it was a temporary lapse in judgement.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. It happens to all of us.” I walked over to the kitchen area. “Want a cup of tea?”

My phone buzzed as Kinslee and I were curled up on the sofa, catching up on trashy reality TV.

Cass: Pack a bag for tomorrow. Four business. AKA Operation Snowflake.

Me: WTF is Operation Snowflake?

Cass: Codename for our project. Cade’s nickname for you.

Me: Right. Who came up with the codename?

Cass: Me. Obvs.

Me: Original. How about NO.

Cass: Better than West’s suggestion.

Me: Do I even want to know?

Cass: No.

Cass: We’ll work on the name.

Me: *eyeroll emoji* WE won’t work on it. What is it you want me to do?

Cass: Just get a bag packed. We’ll be at your place at 10.

Me: Fine. See you then.

Me: P.S. I really don’t get your obsession with codenames.

“Looks like I’ve been summoned by the Four.”

Kinslee sighed. “Your life is so much more exciting than mine.”

“Exciting is overrated. You have no idea how much I’d love a normal life.” To have parents that were both alive and loved me, to be able to go to university and get my degree, and enjoy student life without having all this drama hanging over me.

I missed my dad, so much.

As I walked into my room to get my stuff together, my eyes went straight to the collection of star charts and posters of constellations I’d tacked up above my desk, picturing my dad in his work office, poring over the latest research papers while the posters surrounded him. I had so few tangible things to remember him by; these posters had become some of my most treasured possessions.

Below the posters I’d arranged the framed photo he’d had of the two of us in his office and his crystal ball model with the solar system suspended inside it.