I turned away, crossing back to the sofa and sinking back down. It was so frustrating, not being able to hack into my dad’s security system. West had tried so many times, with no success. I needed to know where else Winter had been tonight, since I’d left her. Clearly, she was up to something. I shouldn’t have left her alone.

Too late, now. She’d wandered somewhere she shouldn’t, and now she was going to wish she’d never gone exploring.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Lena as she threw her phone down with a huff. “Can someone take me home?”

“You’re a fucking mess, sis.” Cass looked up from the girl and frowned at her. “Your eye…make-up stuff is all over your face, and your hair looks like you’ve been dragged through a bush. What have you been doing?”

“Who have I been doing, you mean.” Her pout disappeared for a moment, replaced with an evil grin.

“Don’t. Whoever it is, I’m going to kill them. No one touches my sister.”

“Fuck off, Cass. I’m old enough to take care of myself.”

“But you still need someone to take you home,” he said dryly.

“Ugh. Can you stop playing the annoying big brother and just take me home?” She stamped her foot, and both Cassius and I snorted.

“Really mature. How did you get here, anyway?”

“James kindly brought me.” She smiled, a dreamy look coming into her eyes.

What the fuck was everyone’s obsession with Granville at the moment? The guy was an asshole. And a Granville.

She continued speaking. “He can’t take me home since he’s had a drink. Mum and Dad left ages ago, and I just tried to get an Uber, but they can’t come for another forty-five minutes.”

“I’ll take you,” my brother called, walking over to her.

“No, I’ll take her.” Zayde came to stand next to him.

Weston turned to him. “I already offered.”

“I’m taking her,” Zayde stated flatly.

I watched their exchange with interest as I swiped the vodka and took another large swig. They both stared at each other, neither willing to back down. I actually admired my brother for even having this stare-off with Zayde—he was a scary fucker.

“Sorry, West, but Z has a bike. And I need to feel the power between my legs, if you know what I’m saying.”

Cassius groaned while the side of Zayde’s mouth tipped up slightly. “Come on.”

“Look after my sister, and don’t touch her!” Cassius shouted after him as he followed Lena out of the room, the door swinging shut behind him.

“What was all that about, West?”

“Nothing,” he muttered. He walked back over to the dartboard and picked up a handful of darts, throwing them at the board with no care or finesse, clearly angry, but it was obvious I wasn’t going to get anything out of him.

“You never answered my question.” Cassius leaned back against the sofa, the girl now perched on the arm, scrolling through her phone.

“What. Question.”

“Do you think Winter looked hot tonight?”

“Fuck off, mate. I’m not in the mood.” I grabbed the vodka and took another quick swig before he could swipe it.

“I knew you did,” he said smugly, eyeing me.

“Fuck off.”

“Give me my vodka back.” I pushed it across the coffee table towards his sofa, and he picked it up. “Get your own drink. I need this.”