
He nodded and placed my order with the bartender. He waved off my offer of paying, laughing, telling me that it was a free bar and we never paid for drinks at parties. It kind of seemed obvious when I thought about it.

Another sign I had no clue what I was doing here.

Picking up my Coke, I thanked the bartender, then took a long sip. Perfectly chilled. Mmm.

“Hello, beautiful.”

I spun around, seeing James standing there with a blonde girl in a short black dress, fishnet stockings, a fuckton of eyeliner, and a sullen expression on her face. She looked to be about sixteen or seventeen.

“James!” I threw my arms around him, happy to see him. He hugged me back, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

His expression darkened as he released me from the hug, taking in the two men that had come to stand either side of me.

“Granville.” Caiden’s tone was hostile.

“Cavendish.” James matched his tone, taking a step forwards. They stood for a moment, glaring at each other, neither backing down.

For fuck’s sake.

“Lena? What’re you doing with Granville?” Weston stared at the girl who had been standing with James, and she rolled her eyes.

“He gave me a lift. Get over it. I’m here—that has to count for something.” Dismissing us, she strolled off and disappeared into the crowds.

“Who was that?”

“Lena Drummond. Cassius’ sister. She’s seventeen and…mad at the world? Or something? I don’t know. She’s moody.”

“Right. Thanks for your insightful comments, West.”

“Pleasure.” He grinned and picked up his pint, downing half in one go before he placed it back down on the bar.

I glanced to my left to see James and Caiden still glaring at each other.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I directed my question at Caiden, since he’d given me the same look on more than one occasion. Almost every occasion, actually.

He finally looked away from James, his eyes meeting mine. “None of your business.” He pushed away from the bar and brushed past me, heading away without another word.

“Sorry. Old family rivalry,” James said by way of explanation.

“Ah, I see,” I said, as if I understood, when in actual fact I had no fucking clue. I decided that was a conversation best saved for another time and linked my arm through Weston’s. “Shall we go and mingle?”

He groaned. “We’d better. Come on.”

“See you later.” I smiled at James, and he nodded, raising his hand in a goodbye wave as he leaned on the bar to order a drink, and Weston steered me towards a group of women.

Hours passed. Long, dull hours. The evening was a blur of introductions and watching and waiting for everyone to get drunker and drunker, interspersed with periods of dancing and making polite (and not-so-polite) conversation. I’d wanted to discreetly keep an eye on my mother, but she’d disappeared around an hour into the party, and I hadn’t seen her since.

When she finally re-entered the room, making a beeline for a tall, blonde woman standing by the windows who was waving to get her attention, I turned to Weston. “I want to talk to my mother quickly. I’ll come and find you later?”

“Are you sure you want me to leave you with her?” Weston eyed me doubtfully.

“I’m sure.”

“Okay.” He scanned the room, his gaze passing over Caiden lounging at the bar, talking to an older man. “Cass and Z have both disappeared. I’m gonna look for them. Come and find us when you’re ready?”