s persuasion, they agreed to let us have a trial run at Alstone Members Club.”

“Fuck, yes!” Caiden punched the air. “Nice one, mate.”

“Why didn’t you just say that to begin with?” I asked him.

“I did.” He gave me a confused look, and I shook my head.

“Never mind. Well done, Cass.”

“It’ll be a kind of probationary period, to see how we get on and if we can behave or whatever,” he told us. “But I haven’t told you the most important part yet.”

He paused dramatically, and both Cade and Z rolled their eyes at him. “Our first visit to the club? Tuesday evening, and my dad told me that Arlo will be there. And what’s more, apparently he’s there every Tuesday.”

I gasped. “My dad’s notes. This is our chance to find out what’s going on.”

“My news ties in with this, too.” Weston opened the laptop, spinning it around so we could see the screen. “Mercury came through for me. We have our man.”

The dossier was short. Petr Ivanov, aka “the Fixer,” originally from Belarus. Age thirty-four, suspected criminal ties with several Eastern European gangs. Five arrests and three short stints in prison—all for petty crimes—theft, shoplifting, drug possession. There were several photos including two of his police mug shots.

“It’s not much to go on, but it’s a start. Mercury’s gonna do some more digging, see if he can come up with anything else. We need to work out how he’s connected to your mother and to Alstone Holdings. So far Mercury hasn’t been able to find any connection, but there’s always a paper trail somewhere.”

I sat back, thinking. “Well, we know more than we did before. And I can’t help but feel that Alstone Members Club is the key.”

Caiden took over from me. “Yeah. I agree. We need to go in there with our eyes wide open. Be prepared for anything, but don’t arouse suspicion.”

Hope sparked to life inside me. Maybe after Tuesday, we’d have some answers. Maybe I’d finally be able to get justice for my dad.

“This all great news. I guess, though, since we’re talking about it all, I should mention yesterday. I don’t know what Cass said…” I trailed off, looking at him.

“Nothing. Just that you were upset on the phone. And since I dropped you off to meet your mother, I’m assuming she upset you?” he murmured.

“Yeah.” I had to tread carefully. I couldn’t bring up what I’d discovered about Caiden and Weston’s mum. “Basically, she lied to my face, saying she hadn’t heard anything from my dad for ages before he died. It all got too much for me—that woman is so fucking frustrating. I can’t believe I’m related to her.”

“You can be frustrating, y’know. Just saying.”

I turned to glare at Caiden.

“So can you.”

He grinned, unapologetic. “I know.”

Weston yawned widely, then flashed me a quick smile. “I’m sorry you’re related to her, but look on the bright side. You get me as your brother.”

“That’s true.” I smiled back at him, and he reached over and squeezed my hand lightly.

“And I guess at least this gives us more solid proof of her involvement. Since you know your dad had contact with her.” He scrubbed a hand across his face and yawned again. “We done for now? I’m fucking knackered. I’m off to bed.”

“Carly keep you up late last night, did she?” Cass smirked at him.

Carly? I mouthed to Cade, and he shrugged, mouthing no idea back to me.

“Maybe.” West grinned. He scooped up the laptop and headed out.

“Speaking of, I’ve got a girl keeping my bed warm upstairs, and she’s been waiting long enough.” Cassius stood and sauntered across the room. He paused in the doorway, and the gleam in his eye had me bracing myself.

“Hey, Winter. If you fancy joining us, you know where my room is. One of my areas of expertise is pleasuring two ladies at once.” He threw me a cheeky wink as he disappeared around the corner.

Cade growled low in his throat, and I groaned, burying my face in my hands.