Beside the point.

He was banished from my mind, as of now. For whatever reason, he’d decided he didn’t like me, so that was that.

I grabbed Kinslee’s arm and turned us so I couldn’t see the Four (still hated their stupid nickname), and I let the music carry me away, the beat filling me, flowing through my body. We danced provocatively, attracting the attention of a number of guys in our immediate radius, and the far more hostile attention of the girls clustered around the Four.

Ignoring the glares and disdainful looks, I lost myself in the music, until I caught the eye of a guy leaning against the wall, watching me. Every time I glanced up, he was still looking at me, and I danced closer to Kinslee to ask her if she knew who he was. She informed me that his name was James, and he was also a student at Alstone. He was cute—kind of preppy-looking, light brown hair falling into his blue eyes, lean but muscular build, and when he smiled, he had the most gorgeous dimples. The next time I looked at him, I held his gaze, making it clear that I was interested. He interpreted my signals correctly and a moment later was standing in front of me, leaning down to speak in my ear.

“Hey, there. I’m James Granville.” His hand rested lightly on my arm as he spoke to me, not invading my personal space, but close enough to make his intent clear.

Our eyes met and his pupils dilated as I took a deliberate step closer, placing my own hand on his arm and sliding it up over his bicep as I reached up to speak into his ear. “I’m Winter Huntington.”

“Winter. You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen in a very long time.” He spoke into my ear, his voice clear over the pounding beat of the music. “My evening is certainly looking up, now that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you.” He spun me around. “Dance with me?”

We alternated between dancing and small talk, Kinslee never straying far from my side, which I really appreciated. Although, in actuality, we barely knew each other, I’d confided in her about how out of depth I felt, starting over in a completely new place and being the new girl when everyone else knew each other. She’d promised to look out for me, and with her by my side, I felt less alone. She seemed to be in her element, flirting and laughing with James’ friends, dancing up a storm, her curvy body swaying to the music.

All the while, I could feel the stares of the Four burning into me, and although I tried my hardest to ignore it, I grew increasingly uncomfortable. James noticed, his sharp gaze flicking from me to the sofa, and he leaned closer, pulling my body into his. “You wanna get out of here?”

Did I? I wasn’t in the habit of one-night stands, but…fuck, yes.

“What do you propose?” I stared at him, one eyebrow raised.

“My apartment is just around the corner. Why don’t you come with me?”

I glanced towards Kinslee, and she mouthed go to me. Her okay gave me the reassurance I needed, and I smiled up at him.


“Good. Meet me outside the front door.”

He nodded and was slipping away through the crowds before I had a chance to say anything else. After confirming with Kinslee that James was trustworthy and where I was going, and receiving an enthusiastic response of “he’s hot and popular, go and fuck his brains out,” I headed in the opposite direction to find the bathroom before I left.

I needed someone, and James wanted me. I needed to feel something for one night, to fill the void inside me that had been there ever since the accident had happened. My dad was gone, I was in a new place, completely out of my depth, and I wanted to have fun and just forget. Pretend I was a normal university student, with a normal life.

Mind made up, I exited the bathroom, only to bump into a hard body.

Awareness trickled up my spine.

Goosebumps broke out all over me.

I suddenly found it hard to breathe.




Have you ever been so aware of someone that your whole being reacts to them? Like you can’t even control it?

His presence surrounded me as his body pressed against mine. “What are you doing…” I whispered, or I might have only thought the words, because he didn’t respond. He roughly grasped my chin in his hand, and his touch sent shock waves ricocheting through me.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

His voice.

Angry, raspy, and oh-so-sexy.

My body arched towards his, unknowing, uncaring that he was basically telling me to leave. Helpless, I let out a small whimper as his thumb caressed my chin, the touch at odds with his hostile posture.