The word was torn from me on a ragged cry as pleasure splintered my world apart. Merrick’s tongue flicked back and forth over my clit as his mouth closed around the sensitive nub, sucking just hard enough to roll my first orgasm into a second one.

My hands momentarily froze, fingers wrapped around Lachlan’s and Trace’s cocks, as I lost all sense of time and space.

“Shite, you’re fuckin’ beautiful when you come, Snow,” Lach groaned, wrapping his hand around mine and guiding my movements as he stroked himself hard and fast.

I was gasping for breath as Trace pulled himself from my grip, and when he moved up to kneel by my head, I turned toward him hungrily, opening my mouth as he braced himself above me. His cock plunged between my lips, already salty with the taste of precum, and I opened the back of my throat, groaning around him as Merrick ran his tongue up my slit.

When Merrick stiffened his tongue and began to fuck me with it, pinching my clit between his thumb and forefinger, I screamed out another curse that was muffled by Trace’s thick cock.

“Shit, Ari. Oh, fuck. Oh, shiiiit.”

Trace’s cock pulsed against my tongue, and I swallowed over and over as his cum hit the back of my throat. Lachlan groaned above me, and a second later, I felt the wet splash of his own release spattering my bare breasts and stomach.

I turned my head a little as Trace withdrew from my mouth, working out the kinks in my neck.

Fucking worth it.

My body felt limp and used and completely sated, so lost in a haze of bliss that I couldn’t even think about climbing out of bed to clean up. Besides, I kind of liked the feel of Lach’s cum on my skin. Marking me. Declaring me his.


After all, I had Merrick’s teeth marks on my inner thigh and the taste of Trace’s cum lingering on my tongue. They had all marked me, in their own way.

And I was sure they would do it again and again and again.

Merrick crawled up my body to plant a kiss on my lips, not seeming bothered at all that I still tasted like his friend. Then he collapsed beside me just as Lachlan dropped to the bed on my other side. Trace settled onto the mattress near the headboard, lifting my head up and sliding down a little so I could use his stomach as a pillow. His fingers tangled in my hair, and my head rose and fell slightly with each breath he took.

“You know,” I murmured, gazing up at the ceiling in the large room. “This palace is kinda growing on me. Now that we’ve christened it.”

“We christened the fuck out of it,” Trace commented with a laugh.

He wasn’t wrong. My quarters in the palace of the gods were huge, made up of several rooms, and we’d fucked in every single one—multiple times. Not to mention a few other places in the palace where we’d been lucky not to get caught.

Also worth it.

A grin tilted my lips at the memory. I had officially been a resident here for a few months, although the guys and I were splitting our time between the godly realm and earth. I’d gotten so good at transporting the three of them across the veil between planes that it no longer took any thought at all.

“Ye know,” Lachlan said, his voice rumbling in his chest, “I feel like I get stronger and stronger the more time we spend here.” He draped an arm over me, his hand coming up to cup my breast, teasing my sensitive, stiff nipple. “I wonder if it’s bein’ in this realm that’s doin’ it, or if it’s just my connection to you.”

“You joke,” I shot back, arching into his touch, “but I’m pretty sure I won’t be the last new god in existence. It’s only a matter of time. Especially now that wild magic users will be properly trained and allowed to explore their full potential.”

Lach made a noise of agreement in his throat, and Merrick braced himself on one elbow to look down at me, pride shining in his amber eyes.

“That’s why the world needs people like you, Ari,” he murmured. “Some people would get the kind of power you have and then do everything they could to keep anyone else from having it. That’s what Omari did. But you? You want other people to have it.”

I grinned up at him, the warmth in his eyes making my skin heat for a whole new reason. “Well, there are assholes in every group. And the only way to keep them from taking over is to have enough non-assholes around to hold them in check. I figure a few new gods might re-establish the balance in the godly realm.”

He laughed out loud at that, then dropped his head to kiss me again. When he pulled back, he made a face.

“Speaking of that, we’d better go. I know Dean Wist wanted to go over a few things with us before the school officially opens its doors again.”

I sighed, then nodded. This had been my choice. I’d had the chance to back out of taking any leadership, any responsibility, but I had decided against that route. And honestly, as much as I wanted to spend the whole day in bed with my men, I was proud of the work that we’d done over the past few months and excited to see it all come to fruition.

“Alright, alright. I’ll try to get my legs to work again,” I joked as we all sat up slowly.

Merrick chuckled. “I’ll be a little offended if you manage it too easily.”

I grinned and punched him in the arm, but I didn’t have to fake the wobble in my knees as I climbed off the bed. The man had a seriously talented fucking tongue.