“Why?” I scowled, gesturing to the guys. “It’s not like they can hear us, thanks to you.”

“True. But I would like to speak to you privately anyway.”

It seemed like a stupid request, and I wondered for a moment if he was just trying to get me away from any potential backup. But then again, the men were essentially defenseless like this—maybe it would be for the best if I got Ryker out of here, took him to a room on the other side of the building where he couldn’t unleash hell on the guys if our little conversation went south.

“Okay. Fine.” I crawled out of bed and stood on the cold stone floor, crossing my arms over my chest. “Let’s go.”

Ryker dipped his head in a nod, then opened the door and gestured me through. I cut a glance at him out of the corner of my eye as I passed by him and stepped into the hallway. He definitely knew I was the same girl he’d seen in the palace that day he’d argued with Omari. I was sure of it now.

What the hell does he want with me?

The question rattled around in my head as I led the imposing god through the halls, ending up in the large industrial kitchen on the first floor. He cocked an eyebrow at me as he followed me inside, and I shrugged.

“What? It’s not like I have a private office or anything.”

Not to mention, the kitchen had several potential exits, knives galore, and a walk-in freezer I could try to trap him in if things didn’t go well. But I refrained from mentioning any of those points to Ryker.

Instead, I leaned against the large metal work table in the middle of the room. “Okay. You got what you wanted. This is about as private as it gets. What do you want to say to me?”

“You did well today.”

The words shocked me so much that I almost lost my balance. Ryker had spoken calmly and plainly, no mocking tone or undercurrent to his voice. He actually sounded… proud.

“I… uh…”

For the first time in a long time, I was completely speechless. I didn’t know how to react to a compliment from a god, especially one that I’d been counting as an enemy. After all, he hadn’t done shit to stop Omari when the leader of gods had knocked me and my men out and locked us in a fucking dungeon.

As if reading my thoughts, Ryker chuckled. “I knew you were strong. That much was obvious when you managed to transport to the godly realm. And when you undid the spell preventing anyone from grasping the gem. But I was truly impressed that you managed to free not just yourself, but your men as well. When I arrived in the dungeon to free you, I was pleased to see you had already managed to do it yourself.”

...excuse me, what?

“Wait. Hold on. Time out.” I made a T shape with my hands, holding them up in front of me. “You what?”

“I came to free you.” Ryker scowled. “You don’t honestly think I would allow that toad Omari to imprison my only daughter, do you?”

I froze.

My lungs seemed to fill with cement as I stared at him in shock.

What in the ever-loving fuck?


The word was barely more than a choked noise, but Ryker either understood it or just made an educated guess based on my reaction.

“You are my daughter, Aria. My only daughter. The product of a love I shared with a human woman.”

“That… that can’t be true,” I stammered. “I have a father. I mean, had. I knew my father. He was a fighter, he lived in Boston, he…”

My voice trailed off. Ryker hadn’t said a single thing to contradict me, but even as I had spoken, I could feel how wrong my words were. Somehow, I knew Ryker was telling the truth. And it would explain everything. Why I had powers only a god should have, but also why my powers hadn’t manifested until later in life. Why I’d struggled with them so much.

Because I wasn’t a god.

I was a demi-god.

“How?” I asked softly, my heart thudding heavily against my ribs.

Ryker dipped his chin, his expression softening a little. It was a strange look on him, and it made him seem much more human.