Before he could finish that sentence, I turned toward him, rose up on my tiptoes, and pressed a hard, bruising kiss to his lips. When I pulled back, I nipped at his bottom lip, fire burning through my veins.

“Shut up,” I whispered hoarsely. “I need to concentrate. Because I am bringing all of you with me.”

Lachlan’s green eyes seemed to shine in the darkness as I drew away. Trace opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but then he snapped it shut, lifting my hand and pressing a kiss to my knuckles instead.

I let the feel of his lips on my skin spread through me, igniting my nerve endings and warming my body. I thought of everything the four of us had been through together. About the time Trace had been so badly burned, and the abject fear that had run through me at the prospect of losing him. About the way the four of us had become a unit, and about how it felt when we all came together.

My heartbeat picked up as I remembered the first night I had fucked all three of them at once—Lachlan in my ass, Merrick in my pussy, and my lips wrapped around Trace’s cock. It was one of the hottest, dirtiest experiences of my life.

But it was also one of the purest.

I had never felt so totally connected to the three of them as in that moment, with all of them surrounding me, inside me, pleasure passing between us like an electric current.

Holding on to that feeling, I tightened my grip on each of the men as they supported me. Then I reached out with my mind, feeling for the ephemeral switch that would flip me from this world to the earthly plane.

As I grasped it in my mind, I felt the familiar falling sensation of traveling between worlds—but as the ether began to pull me away, I could feel my grip on the men loosening. Fading.


I redoubled my efforts, squeezing Trace’s hand so hard I thought I might crack his bones.

But I refused to let go.

If I’m a god, if I’m anything close to a god, then I can do this. I have to. I fucking have to.

The room around me faded into nothingness, and the ether sucked me in.

Chapter Sixteen

I landed back on earth disoriented and weak, stumbling and almost going to my knees.

Panic hit me like a baseball bat to the chest, and I cried out wildly.

“Trace! Merrick! Lachl—”

“We’re here, lass.”

Lach’s voice behind me made me whirl around. The men were all behind me, as if we had been split apart somehow as we were transported back to earth—as if they had been just a few seconds behind me. But they were here. They’d made it.

All three of them looked queasy as fuck, and Merrick scrubbed a hand over his mouth.

“Shit. So that’s what it feels like to be yanked across dimensions.” Then he broke into a smile, although he was still green around the gills. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me. “You did it, Ari. You did it.”

Relief weakened my muscles, and I let out a shaky breath, thanking every single one of my lucky stars. “I almost lost you. I could feel it.”

“So could I.” His amber eyes gleamed with fierce emotion. “But you held on.”

“And you got us right where we need to be,” Trace added, glancing at our surroundings.

I followed suit, finally taking in the location where we’d arrived. We were on school grounds, between the castle-like building that housed the dorms and classrooms and The Hill, where we had stepped through the portals before the Gods’ Challenge.

Just the sight of the empty pavilion made my stomach twist.

Turning toward the school building, I looked up at the imposing structure. The sun was nearly down, and in the gloomy light, the place looked haunted as fuck.

Gods, I hope it’s not full of dead bodies. What if Omari already took them all out?

Shoving down the fear of what I might find inside, I set off toward the school, my men close behind me.