“Shite. Oh, fuck.”

Grabbing my face with one hand, Lachlan kissed me hard, plunging his tongue into my mouth to stroke against mine as he throbbed inside me, filling me up with his cum. A second later, Trace held my hips in a bruising grip and ground his hips against my ass, biting down on the junction of my neck and shoulder as he came too.

I felt… limp. Boneless. Completely sated.

But more than that, I felt connected.

As deeply and truly connected to the three men who shared the bed with me as it was possible to be.

They had fucked me like they meant it.

And it had meant everything.

Chapter Ten

I woke up the next morning with purpose burning in my veins.

It wasn’t hard to get out of bed, despite the fact that I hated leaving the warmth and comfort of being wrapped under the blankets with three warm bodies.

There was shit to be done.

A fight to be won.

And I knew exactly what I was fighting for.

I wasn’t going to sit back and allow the lies and secrets of Magic Blessed Academy to sit in the shadows any longer. I wasn’t going to stand solemnly in front of the wall of remembrance, watching it grow larger and larger every year.

One way or another, I was determined that this Gods’ Challenge would be the last one ever.

My body was pleasantly sore as I showered quickly, and by the time I stepped back out into Merrick’s room, I found all three men awake and waiting for me.

“Morning, beautiful.” Merrick caught me around the waist and pressed a kiss to my lips. His amber eyes gleamed as he stepped back, scanning me with a pleased expression. “You look wide-awake and vibrant.”

I grinned and nodded. “Yeah, well… I happened to have a pretty good night last night, and it renewed my confidence in what I’m doing. I’m not afraid of it anymore. I’m not scared to continue moving on the path that’s been set.”

“Hell fuckin’ yeah,” Trace piped in, tugging me from Merrick’s arms to give me a kiss too before we all headed for the door.

“We don’t have a lot of time.” I glanced at the three of them as we strode down the hallway. “Training is going to be the number one thing for everyone. The four of us have had the luxury of knowing just how hard we had to train, and we’ve been doing it since the first time we competed in the Gods’ Challenge. But there are a lot of people at this school who have absolutely no idea.”

Trace rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Then I guess we have an idea of what we need to do. We need to get the entire school as well prepared for this fight as possible. We need to gather all the supporters we can. And the ones who won’t join with us…” He shook his head. “Well, we need to know who they are so we can watch out for them.”

Lachlan scowled, his shoulders tensing. “We already know one person who’s against ye. That fuckwad Wesley still hates yer guts, and he hates ours too. He won’t talk to me”—he grinned viciously—“he’s too fuckin’ terrified. But he happened to have a few words for Trace yesterday before he headed out to The Hill.”

I shot Trace a look, raising my eyebrows. “I didn’t hear about this.”

Not that it was all that surprising. A lot had happened yesterday.

The dark-haired man groaned as we reached the stairs. “It wasn’t worth repeating. But by this point, I’m pretty sure Wesley would put himself in mortal danger before he’d take your side in anything. The gods have basically brainwashed people at this school to believe we owe all our magic to them, and Wesley drank the Kool-Aid and went back for seconds.”

“Personally, I think he hates you because you’re a woman who’s stronger than him,” Merrick put in, anger flashing in his eyes. “He uses the excuse that he’s pissed at you for disrespecting the gods, but we all know it’s a lot more fucking petty than that. Normally, I would say don’t worry about him; he’s just a little rat who will get his in the end.”

“Little rat is right,” Lachlan grunted. “He was lucky to win the challenge last semester. Had we actually been looking for the gem, he would’ve had his arse handed to him six ways from Sunday.”

Merrick nodded. “True. But he honestly doesn’t see that. He thinks he won fair and square, and it’s making him overconfident.”

We stepped off the stairs on the first floor, and I found myself suppressing a grimace of frustration. “He also doesn’t understand just how dangerous it is, whether you’re siding with the gods or you’re against them. When it comes down to it, he has wild magic just the same as the rest of us. The gods will never fully understand him or accept him—even if they spare his life.”

“I really don’t give a shit about Wesley.” Annoyance laced Merrick’s tone. “We all know who he is and what he’s after. We know he hates us. And we know he’s going to do his best to be on the gods’ side because he thinks that’s the winning side. There’s nothing we could do about any of that. What we can do is prepare ourselves and do our best to help the other students here train and ultimately survive a confrontation with the gods.”