Without thinking, I reached out and pulled her into a tight hug. She stiffened a little, and I could tell she was surprised by the gesture. Hell, I was surprised by it. I’d never been the most touchy-feely person, but a lot had changed in my life over the past year and a half. If I was about to fight and possibly die beside this girl who had become my unlikely friend, I could hug her too.

She wrapped her arms around me, drawing a deep breath before stepping back. “Okay. I’ll start talking to other students. Try to rally support. Tomorrow, we can start planning our strategy for the challenge.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Eden.”

She nodded, then headed down the hall toward her dorm room.

The rest of us started walking again too, and I followed the men toward Merrick’s bedroom, barely paying attention to my surroundings.

I may have soothed some of Eden’s fears, but my own anxiety was building by the second. The reality of what I had done up on The Hill was overwhelming, threatening to rise up and engulf me.

The men continued to talk in low voices as we stepped into Merrick’s room, and when the door shut behind me, I stood just inside the room, gazing at all three of them. My heart thudded out a wild rhythm in my chest as they noticed my silence and turned to look at me.

“Aria?” Trace’s brows pulled together. “You okay?”

“Do you need something?” Merrick asked, taking a step forward.

“Yes.” I swallowed. Fear of losing these men made my heart ache, made my stomach twist painfully.

“What, lass?” Lachlan asked. “What do ye need?”

“I need you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me like you mean it.”

Chapter Nine

For a moment, my words just hung in the air, filling the space between all of us with an electric energy.

There was so much to be done, so much at stake. We had set ourselves on a path where the odds of survival were slim—but at least they were better than none. I could live with that, and I would fight as hard as I could with these men by my side.

But first, I needed to remind myself that for the moment, at least, they were still mine.

We still had each other.

Bright blue eyes, green eyes, and amber eyes all regarded me, powerful emotions churning in all of them.

Then the men moved.

In a flash, Lachlan was on me, his arms coming around my waist and sweeping me up. I was airborne for a few seconds as he strode toward the bed, and then I was tossed down on Merrick’s soft mattress. My body bounced a little, and before I could even sit up, the other two men were there, lips and teeth brushing over my skin.

Merrick grabbed my chin in his large hand, angling my head as he kissed me deeply. When he pulled back, there was a wicked hungry gleam in his eye.

“I hope you know what you just asked for, Aria,” he murmured.

Then he was sliding off the bed again, disappearing from my view as Lachlan took his place. The burly Irishman licked and sucked a path up my neck as Trace kissed my lips, sliding his tongue against mine in a way that made my toes curl.

“Scoot her up on the bed.”

Merrick’s voice penetrated the fog of need in my mind, and the two men on either side of me moved quickly, lifting me up and setting me back down higher up on the mattress. When my gaze found Merrick again, my eyes widened as a flood of arousal dampened my panties. He had his hands spread wide in front of him, and extending between both of his palms was a length of shimmering magical rope.

My attention flicked from it to him and back again, and I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth as I remembered his promise that he and my two other boyfriends would tie me up someday.

By all appearances, that day had arrived, and as Merrick climbed up onto the mattress with us, I moaned softly.

He gave a pleased grin as he caught both of my wrists in one hand, then began wrapping the magical rope around them. The binds held tight, but they didn’t chafe like an actual rope might have. They were stronger than any ordinary rope could ever be though, and when he tied my hands to the headboard, I could feel the power of the binds.

When he was satisfied with his work, he drew away, sitting back on his heels just like the other two men were doing. They were all staring down at me with hungry, possessive gazes, and it made every inch of my skin flush.

Just as it had after I told them to fuck me, silence fell over us once again. After the flurry of activity, the moment of calm only ratcheted up the tension in the room even higher, and my lower half felt flushed and swollen with need.