When we were slightly more presentable, Merrick threaded his fingers through mine and held the door open for me.

As we headed down the hall, I realized that I truly did feel better. My chest felt less constricted. A little seed of confidence had settled in my chest, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the training session, Merrick’s words, or the hot sex.

Maybe a little bit of all three.

Chapter Six

Three weeks later, I sat down on the bench in the training room, breathing heavily, wiping the sweat off my forehead with a towel. Merrick and I had just finished another sparring session, and a couple of other students hovered near the door, waiting to use the space.

“You did well,” he commented, his smile proud. “Do you feel like the magic has changed in you at all?”

“Yeah.” I rubbed my chest as I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. “It feels more… I dunno, settled, I guess? Like it’s more mine now, and not just this thing that’s inside me.”

“That’s good.”

I wrapped an arm around his waist, lowering my voice as we stepped out into the hall. “It’s strange as fuck, working so hard with you guys and then having to hold back so much in class. I feel like I’m living a double life.”

“Well, with any luck, it’s keeping a target off your back,” he murmured. “If the professors don’t know what you can do, they can’t report it to the gods.”

As we made our way toward the cafeteria, we were joined by Lachlan and Trace. Both men dropped a kiss to my lips, and I noticed a few heads turning our way. I wasn’t sure if everyone at school had figured out what was going on between the four of us last semester, but they certainly all knew now. The guys and I made no attempt to keep our relationship under wraps.

Before we reached the cafeteria, we rounded a corner and almost walked right into Wesley, who was holding court over a group of students—mostly girls—who listened to every word that fell from his lips with rapt interest.

“Of course I think I can win again this semester,” he was saying. “Now that I’ve gotten a feel for the game, I think I can bring back the gem much more quickly.” His gaze shot to me, an ugly look contorting his face. “And since some people think it’s okay to cheat to win…”

“We cheated?” Lachlan stepped forward, bristling. “We’re not the ones who used fuckin’ potions to attack the other competitors!”

Wesley’s sneer shifted to the angry Irishman, and he puffed his chest out as Lachlan bore down on him. “Sore loser, are you?”

“I’ll fuckin’ show you—”

Merrick and Trace grabbed Lachlan’s arms, holding him back as he lunged for Wesley. I probably should’ve held him back too, but to be honest, I didn’t really want to stop him. I’d punched Wesley so hard he’d been laid out on his back last semester, and as satisfying as that had been, it still wasn’t enough.

Before the fight could escalate any further, Dean Frost’s voice echoed out through the halls, magically amplified. I cringed at the sound of it.

“Attention students. Prior to the scheduled preliminary competition tomorrow, an assembly has been called. Please make your way to the auditorium right now and quietly have a seat. Thank you.”

I gritted my teeth, muttering, “Her voice kills me. I want to throat-punch her every time she speaks.”

Trace let go of Lachlan as the burly man finally stopped trying to go after Wesley. Our group split away from him and his fan club, tension still thrumming in the air as we all made our way down the corridor.

“I’m just wondering what the hell she wants,” Merrick said. “The last two times we competed, there hasn’t been an ounce of explanation for this thing. Now, suddenly, we have to have an entire assembly? Why?”

“I dunno.” Worry twisted in my gut. “I guess we’re about to find out.”

Eden met up with us outside the large auditorium. She looked nervous, chewing on her bottom lip and glancing at the students around us as we slipped in and found seats. It was crowded already; everyone had hurried to the auditorium, curious to know what was going on.

Several professors were gathered on the stage, and after a few moments, the dean finally appeared. She was wearing her usual stern expression, and her hair was pulled back in a severe bun. Gazing out at the crowd, she tapped her throat three times, then raised her arms for silence. Everyone quieted down immediately, and she gave a satisfied nod.

“Thank you for coming on short notice, students. I know everyone has been getting ready for the trials, working hard in their classes, and that you’re all excited for the Gods’ Challenge this semester. However, I have just been made aware of a change in the event. There will be no qualifiers for the Gods’ Challenge this semester.”

Everyone broke into a low murmur, whispers rising and falling around us. Dean Frost cleared her throat loudly, the sound echoing across the auditorium. Silence fell again, but I could feel the tension in it. Hell, my own heart was beating harder as I leaned forward to listen.

What the fuck is going on?

“Instead of the challenge having a qualifier round, this semester, everyone in the school will participate. You will all be given the chance to face the creatures and monsters inside the godly realm for the main event.”

Eden clutched my hand and gasped, looking like she was going to cry. All around us, murmurs and shouts rose up as people reacted to the news. It seemed to be a mixed reaction. Some people were talking frantically, some sounded as if they were crying, but others cheered and began bantering about what they would do within the challenge.