‘I’m so happy,’ she whispered. ‘Because…’

‘Because…?’ Oh, yes, she wanted to have a talk. But Alessandro knew himself to be unassailable. ‘You told me on the phone that you wanted to talk to me…?’

‘I do…and brace yourself for a bit of a shock…You’re going to be a father….’

‘I still think that you tricked me when you got me catching the first flight from New York because you wanted to talk,’ Alessandro told her several months later, as he gazed at her lying next to him in the bed, with their beautiful baby daughter between them. ‘You had me worried sick that I might be losing you, and here I am. Not only do I have you, my darling, but I have this miracle lying between us.’

Isabella, whose name they had promptly shortened to Bella, caught his finger and instantly drew it to her mouth.

‘If only I was that clever. I would have pulled that trick a lot earlier.’ Megan smiled.

It was nearly a year now, and each day was better than the one before. They still lived in the house they had bought in leafy London, and she had continued working right up to the last possible moment—even though he had fussed and fretted like a mother hen, and would have wrapped her in cotton wool for the duration of her pregnancy if he could have. She had stood her ground—something which she now did, safe in the knowledge that it was just one of the things he loved about her. Even more of a revelation had been his admission that he loved her when she was argumentative and stubborn, and he had also told her that if she wasn’t possessive with him then he might just be inclined to feel unloved.

So now Megan was the person she was, never hiding anything of herself or editing her personality in any way.

She had even begun buying him the occasional wild item of clothing—and he, a further miracle, had actually worn a few.

‘You could, of course, do it again.’ He reached across to stroke her face, his dark eyes tender. ‘I think it’s time I came home and you surprised me with the news that there’s another little Bella on the way…’

‘Because you’re still aiming for that football team…?’

He grinned at her, and they laughed, and Bella’s eyes flew open so that she could deliver a glaring reprimand to them both for waking her up.

A private joke. They shared lots of those now, but this one was the dearest held. For Robbie and Victoria had been married around the same time as they had, and they had been the ones to move out to the country, where Victoria had taken up a much less stressed job working for a small firm of lawyers, spending lots of time with Dominic. Right now she was pregnant, with a brother or sister for Dominic, and Robbie had been rash enough to bet that he would be coaching his own personal football team before Alessandro. Something which Megan and Victoria had found very amusing, considering they would be the ones giving birth to those amazing prodigies-to-be.

‘I would never dare to suggest such a thing, my darling…’ He leant across to kiss her on the lips—a feathery kiss that made her tummy flutter.

‘But you’re crazy enough to.’

Yes, he thought. This was his life and he loved it. Crazy, in the end, made sense.