I blinked. That was about the last thing I’d expected her to say. “What? What are you—?”

“You’ll be late for your next class.” The nervous version of Howes was back, and she quickly turned and strode back toward her desk, which was situated at one end of the large, open room. “Just remember what I said. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Uh, okay.

I stared at her retreating back in bemusement, and when she sat and began looking at papers, pointedly ignoring me, I turned and headed for the door. I could’ve pressed for more, but I had a feeling she had gone out on a limb telling me even that much, although it was hard to interpret her meaning. I didn’t want to get her in trouble and lose a potential ally.

The next class group began to file into the room, and I moved against the tide of bodies, slipping out the door.

What the hell was that about?

It made no sense. Why would she tell me not to try so hard? I’d thought the entire idea of school was to do the best you could.

Her words lingered with me, and over the next few days, I began to pay special attention in all of my other classes. I watched as other students performed, as the professors interacted with the other students. And I began to notice a strange pattern.

Standing in our Power and Precision class, I chewed my lip as I watched Professor Wist work with a student. Lachlan sidled up next to me.

“Why do ye look like ye’re gradin’ everyone right now?”

My eyes went wide for a second, and I jerked my chin toward the professor on the other end of the room. “That. That right there.”

The tall man raised an eyebrow and shook his head. “I don’t know what ye’re talkin’ about.”

I glanced toward him, keeping my voice low. “Remember how I told you Howes told me not to try so hard? It was strange to me, so I started watching the other professors, and the other students in class. At first, I didn’t see it, but the more I’ve watched, the more I’ve started to pick up on it. I think some of the professors are trying to make us worse at magic.”

He furrowed his brows, watching as Wist coached another student who was struggling in the class. Then he shook his head, murmuring, “Why would they do that?”

I shrugged, pulling my book bag onto my shoulder as Wist finally called an end to the class. “I don’t know. It’s like they’re trying to make their students less powerful. It’s the complete opposite of what they should be doing.”

Lachlan’s gaze slid to me as we left the classroom, and I could feel his smile even before I saw it. “So, what’s cookin’ in that gorgeous fuckin’ head of yers? I can see ye thinkin’.”

I glanced up at him, grinning in spite of myself. “I’m thinking there’s only one person who might have an answer for me. I’ll meet up with you later, I gotta go.”

I rose up onto my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips, then darted down the hall. The next period’s classes would start soon, so I only had a little window of time.

When I reached the Combat classroom, I didn’t hesitate. As the final student filed out of the room, I pushed my way in, closing the door softly behind me. As I walked forward, Professor Howes looked up at me, her expression instantly becoming nervous.

“Aria.” She cleared her throat. “I was just about to go to a meeting. Whatever it is, we can talk about it in class tomorrow.”

Nope. Sorry, lady.

I hated to potentially drag someone else into danger with me and the men, but I needed answers badly enough to risk it. Stepping in front of her, I shook my head. “No. I can’t talk about this in front of other students, and it can’t wait. I need to know what’s going on here, Professor. I know what you and some of the other professors are doing. Giving us bad directions or coaching us to fail instead of succeed. Why? What’s going on?”

Professor Howes shook her head, her large eyes appearing even bigger as she closed her bag and put it on her shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s ridiculous. Why would any professor want to make a student less powerful?”

She tried to push past me, but I wouldn’t move. “That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering. Why don’t you tell me? If I knew the answers, maybe I could do something about this. I know there’s more to this place than what we’ve been told.”

Professor Howes let out a deep breath and put her finger straight up into my face, a vaguely threatening gesture. She glanced at the doorway and then back at me.

“I’m going to tell you this just one time, Aria Banks. I’ve done what I can, but you can’t continue to ask questions like this. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll drop it all. Just… let it go.”

Without another word, she walked around me and out of the classroom, closing the door behind her.

I stood there in the silence of the room, anger and fear churning in my gut.

Dammit. I was pissed as fuck that I couldn’t find any answers, but I was worried for Professor Howes. It was obvious she was caught up in something she didn’t want to be part of, and she was doing her best to help me.

But I wasn’t sure anyone could help me. And even though I believed her warning, there was no way I would heed it.