He had created a shield around him, a strong enough one that it kept the monsters at bay. Every time one got too near, the shield emitted a sharp burst of electricity, sending the creature stumbling back.

I had to admit, Wesley was a sneaky little fuck-weasel, but he was no slouch at magic. That was a pretty good spell.

Not good enough to beat me though.

I focused my energy on him as Lachlan began beating down on the shield around him. I sent daggers of magic toward him, hitting the spots in his shield where the rock monsters had already cracked it. It took a couple tries, but I finally hit the widest crack in a direct hit. The shield splintered even more, hairline cracks extending over the entire surface.

Wesley’s eyes went wide, and he reached into his pocket—probably to grab another charm.

Just as he did, I threw a large spear of energy straight for him. When it reached the shield, the spear splintered, creating hundreds of smaller weapons that pierced through the magical shield and shattered it

like glass.

I followed up with another burst, sending it straight for the fucker’s crotch. If he was storing weapons in his pockets, I needed to get rid of them. And if he lost his dick and balls in the process? Well, that was his own fault for putting valuable shit so close to his junk.

He twisted to the side just before my blast hit him, probably saving his micro-dick from evisceration, but not managing to save his charms. My blast hit him in the hip, and the charms exploded outward from him as if he were the epicenter of a bomb.

Not wasting a second, I ran forward, jumping off a jagged piece of land sticking up from one of the gullies. I leapt through the air, using my magic to boost me. Wesley looked up in panic as I fell toward him. He put up his arms too late, and I tackled him to the ground, throwing him fifteen feet in the opposite direction. I heard his body hit the sand with a thud, and I was on my feet in a half-second, chasing after him again.

“You think you can get away with this shit? You think you can attack your own people?” I screamed at him. “I’ve got something to teach you, Wesley, and it’s called fucking manners.”

I grabbed the little weasel by the neck and tossed him to the ground, ramming my knee into his chest. He coughed and sputtered, grabbing me by the leg and throwing me to the other side. I felt something in my back crack as I hit the ground and skidded to a stop.

Ow. That fucking hurt.

Rage was still burning through me though, making my injuries feel like nothing more than minor distractions. Nothing was broken, and that was all that mattered.

Grimacing, I stood up and turned to face Wesley. He laughed loudly, shaking his head. His voice rose in pitch as he spoke until it was practically a screech.

“You stupid bitch. You think you can beat me? You think you can get one over on me? I’m better than you! I’m better than all of you. You think I’m cheating? I saw what you did in the last challenge. Teaming up together, letting those men protect you so you could fucking win. My charms are just magic. Magical tools.”

With that, he raised one arm and opened his palm, revealing one last vial of black churning magic.


I leapt forward, but before I could stop him, he slammed the vial down on the ground. Coming to a skidding stop, I put my arms up, watching in horror as a massive flying creature swirled out of smoke and erupted from the ground. Its wings hit me hard, throwing me back, but I put my arms down and shot out magic to keep me on my feet. The flying magical creature swung around, and I ducked low, watching as it took flight. It headed straight for the guys, who were all still fighting the stone monsters.

Oh, no, you don’t!

I threw my hand out, sending a stream of magic straight for Wesley’s creature. But my magic wasn’t strong enough. The creature’s wing slapped it away before the blast could hit its body.

“Watch out!” I screamed.

The men all stopped and turned as the flying beast raced toward them. Lachlan put his arms up to defend himself, but even as magic sparked on his fingertips, the flying creature hit him hard in the head with its large talons. Then the creepy winged beast snatched him up in its talons and carried him off into the distance.

My mouth dropped open, my heart thudding so hard in my chest that it felt like it would punch through my ribs. Choking back a pained cry, I raced toward the guys, sending a blast of energy toward Wesley. The fucking coward was already running off in the other direction, following after the last of the competitors as they all fled. They had taken down several of the stone monsters, and the ones that remained showed signs of the fight—their stone bodies were cracked and charred from the blasts they’d taken.

To the east, a cloud of billowing smoke rose up, a pulsating light emanating from it. Everyone was running in that direction, but I couldn’t chase after them. I couldn’t even move. I stood between Trace and Merrick, joining them in holding off the stone monsters as I watched the flying creature disappear off into the distance.

“Lach… Lachlan.” My throat was so tight that it hurt to speak. “We have to go after him.”

Merrick sent out a rope of magic to wrap around a stone creature’s legs. “Of course, we have to. We’ll make Wesley pay for this shit, but that can wait. We need to go after Lach while we can still track him.”

Trace grimaced, wiping sweat off his brow. His shirt was torn, and I could see blood through the rip in the fabric, but it didn’t look like the wound was too bad.

Godsdammit, they’re already getting hurt. I shouldn’t have let them come with me.

“Don’t worry about Lachlan,” Trace said, his voice hard. “He’s a fighter, and by the time we get to him he’ll probably be roasting that bird.”